

因此,我是F#的新手,并且阅读了一些不同的教程,而我惊讶地发现它提到F#接口定义实际上可以包括成员方法的默认实现(使它们像虚拟方法一样工作). .  提到 都在这里:

So I'm new to F#, and reading a couple of different tutorials, and I was surprised to see it mentioned that F# interface definitions can actually include default implementations for member methods (making them act like virtual methods).  This is mentioned both here:






我发现这很奇怪,因为接口的定义特征之一是它不包含任何实现.  但是更奇怪的是,我似乎无法在网络上的任何地方找到更多有关此的信息.  我链接的那两个页面 仅提及这是可能的,但不赘述或提供任何示例.

I find this rather odd as one of the defining characteristics of an interface is that it contains no implementation.  But what's even more odd, is that I can't seem to find any more information on this anywhere on the web.  Those two pages I link merely mention that this is a possibility, but don't go into any detail or provide any examples.

那么这是如何工作的?  如果我提供了接口函数的默认实现,它将如何使用?  在类中实现接口时是否可以简单地忽略实现该方法,而将使用默认实现?  我可以使用base关键字直接从覆盖实现中调用默认实现吗?  如果我在F#中定义了这样的接口,然后尝试在C#类定义中实现它,会发生什么?  任何为此建立的用例 行为?

So how does this work?  If I provide a default implementation for an interface function, how does it get used?  Can I simply neglect to implement that method when implementing the interface in a class and the default implementation will be used?  Can I call the default implementation directly from my override implementation with the base keyword?  What happens if I define such an interface in F#, then try to implement it in a C# class definition?  Any established use cases for this behavior?


And why isn't any of this discussed anywhere???



Trying (in F# 3.0, 3.1 and 4.0)

type IPrintable = interface
   abstract member Print : unit -> unit
   default this.Print () = printfn "Hello, world!"

type SomeClass1(x: int, y: float) =
   interface IPrintable with
      member this.Print() = printfn "%d %f" x y

type SomeClass2() =
    member this.Action () = printfn "act"
    interface IPrintable

let x1 = new SomeClass1(1, 2.0)
(x1 :> IPrintable).Print()

let x2 = SomeClass2()
(x2 :> IPrintable).Print()

System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore


     default this.Print () = printfn "Hello, world!"

stdin(5,17): error FS0867: Interfaces cannot contain definitions of member overrides


Changing the definition of IPrintable to

type IPrintable =
   abstract member Print : unit -> unit
   default this.Print () = printfn "Hello, world!"


defines an abstract class instead, and we get

     interface IPrintable with

stdin(30,14): error FS0887: The type 'IPrintable' is not an interface type


as expected from the consumers.


08-13 20:34