




I just got started with F#, which is my first functional language. I have been working quasi-exclusively with C#, and enjoy a lot how F# leads me to re-think how I write code. One aspect I find a bit disorienting is the change in the process of writing code. I have been using TDD for years in C# now, and really appreciate to have unit tests to know where I am at.


So far, my process with F# has been to write some functions, play with them with the interactive console until I am "reasonably" sure they work, and tweak & combine. This works well on small-scale problems like the Euler Project, but I can't imagine building something large that way.


How do people approach unit testing and building a test suite for a F# program? Is there an equivalent to TDD? Any pointers or thoughts are appreciated.


测试驱动开发人员应该在F#给出确定性可重复的结果可以完美地适用于单元测试。 F#语言中还有一些功能可以帮助编写测试。以为例。您可以非常轻松地为以接口类型为输入的函数编写假货。

Test-driven developers should feel right at home in functional languages like F#: small functions that give deterministically repeatable results lend themselves perfectly to unit tests. There are also capabilities in the F# language that facilitate writing tests. Take, for example, Object Expressions. You can very easily write fakes for functions that take as their input an interface type.


If anything, F# is a first-class object-oriented language and you can use the same tools and tricks that you use when doing TDD in C#. There are also some testing tools written in or specifically for F#:

  • =http://www.codeplex.com/fscheck =noreferrer> FsCheck

  • NaturalSpec
  • FsCheck
  • FsTest
  • FsUnit

Matthew Podwysocki写了一篇很棒的关于函数式语言中的单元测试。叔叔鲍勃还写了一篇引人深思的文章。

Matthew Podwysocki wrote a great series on unit testing in functional languages. Uncle Bob also wrote a thought provoking article here.


08-13 20:34