


I have RGB images, e.g. of size 2x2 as follows:

[  0,  14, 255,  75, 156, 255;
  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255]


I would like to duplicate each pixel (all of the RGB channels) 2x2 times and obtain images that look like:

[  0,  14, 255,  0, 14, 255,  75, 156, 255, 75, 156, 255;
   0,  14, 255,  0, 14, 255,  75, 156, 255, 75, 156, 255;
  45, 255, 234,  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255, 236, 141, 255;
  45, 255, 234,  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255, 236, 141, 255  ]

在Matlab或Python中,我只是简单地使用 kron 函数,但我不知道如何轻松地在OpenCV C ++ 。注意,这是一个简单的例子,我实际上想要复制每个像素的16x16,并在更大的图像,而不是2x2当然。

In Matlab or Python, I would do this simply by using the kron function but I couldn`t figure out how to do it easily in OpenCV C++. Note that this is a trivial example, I would actually like to duplicate each pixel by 16x16 and do it on much bigger images, not 2x2 of course.


您可以使用 resize 与最近邻插值 INTER_NEAREST

You can use resize with nearest neighbor interpolation INTER_NEAREST:


Mat mInput(2, 2, CV_8UC3),mOutput(4, 4, CV_8UC3);

mInput.at<Vec3b>(0,0)= Vec3b(0,14,255);
mInput.at<Vec3b>(0,1)= Vec3b(75,156,255);
mInput.at<Vec3b>(1,0)= Vec3b(45,255,234);
mInput.at<Vec3b>(1,1)= Vec3b(236,141,255);





[  0,  14, 255,  75, 156, 255;
  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255]
[  0,  14, 255,   0,  14, 255,  75, 156, 255,  75, 156, 255;
   0,  14, 255,   0,  14, 255,  75, 156, 255,  75, 156, 255;
  45, 255, 234,  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255, 236, 141, 255;
  45, 255, 234,  45, 255, 234, 236, 141, 255, 236, 141, 255]
Press any key to continue . . .


Thanks to @wendelbsilva for pointing this out in the comments.


09-15 10:07