

我需要通过连接到Snowflake DB在Azure分析服务上构建多维数据集.

I need to build cube on Azure analysis services by connecting to Snowflake DB.


Seems Azure analysis services does not provide a connector to snowflake. Can anyone suggest how to overcome this.


首先,在笔记本电脑上安装用于Snowflake的32位和64位ODBC驱动程序.然后打开"ODBC数据源(32位)",并使用Snowflake ODBC驱动程序创建一个名为"Snowflake"的新系统DSN.在"ODBC数据源(64位)"应用程序中重复此操作,创建另一个与32位相同名称的系统DSN.确保在32位和64位ODBC连接对话框属性中都设置了tracing = 0,因为这会破坏多维数据集的处理性能,从而无法设置tracing = 6.

First, on your laptop install both the 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC driver for Snowflake. Then open the "ODBC Data Sources (32-bit)" and create a new system DSN called "Snowflake" using the Snowflake ODBC driver. Repeat in the "ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)" app creating another system DSN named identically as the 32-bit one. Make sure you set tracing=0 in both 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC connection dialog properties as it kills cube processing performance to set tracing=6.

接下来,在适当的VM(最好是与Snowflake处于同一Azure区域的Azure VM)上,确保为Azure Analysis Services设置了本地数据网关.(尽管Snowflake不在本地,但它不是支持的云数据源,因此它必须使用网关.)在该VM上,重复上述ODBC步骤.

Next, on an appropriate VM (preferably an Azure VM in the same Azure region as Snowflake) ensure the On-premises Data Gateway is setup for Azure Analysis Services. (Though Snowflake is not on-premises, it's not a supported cloud data source, so it must use the gateway.) On that VM, repeat the above ODBC steps.

在Visual Studio中,选择文件...新建...项目... Analysis Services ...表格... Analysis Services表格项目".选择兼容模式"SQL Server 2017/Azure Analysis Services(1400)",然后选择集成工作区".

In Visual Studio, choose File... New... Project... Analysis Services... Tabular... Analysis Services Tabular Project. Choose compatibility mode "SQL Server 2017/Azure Analysis Services (1400)" and choose "Integrated workspace".


Then in Tabular Model Explorer right click the Data Sources folder and choose "Add Data Source". Choose ODBC as the data source and then choose your DSN name from the dropdown.

选择要导入的表.一旦准备好部署模型,就可以部署到Azure Analysis Services,并且应该使用网关VM上的ODBC驱动程序来连接到Snowflake.

Choose which tables you wish to import. Once the model is ready to deploy, deploy to Azure Analysis Services and it should use the ODBC driver on the gateway VM to connect to Snowflake.


08-13 20:30