I have processed a SSAS cube. After it was done processing, I hit the close button - and then realized that I should have saved the output.
I think SSAS stores the processing log as a text or XML file, but I do not know what folder to look into.
Can someone direct me to retrieving processing logs?
如果从UI(Management Studio或BI Dev Studio)进行处理,请在处理"对话框上单击更改设置",然后转到Dimension(分区)键错误选项卡. .或在SSMS中,右键单击对象(例如尺寸),然后选择属性"->选择页面:错误配置".
If you are processing from UI (Management Studio or BI Dev Studio), on processing dialog click on Change Settings and go to the Dimension(Partition) key error tab. Or in SSMS right click on the object, dimension for example, and choose properties->Select a page: Error Configuration.
或尝试在此处进行一些操作:\ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL.\ OLAP \ Config
Or try somehwere in here: \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.\OLAP\Config