本文介绍了Matlab 中的高效分类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个大小为 RGB uint8(576,720,3) 的图像,我想将每个像素分类为一组颜色.我已经使用 rgb2lab 从 RGB 空间转换到 LAB 空间,然后移除 L 层,所以它现在是一个由 AB 组成的 double(576,720,2).

I have an image of size as RGB uint8(576,720,3) where I want to classify each pixel to a set of colors. I have transformed using rgb2lab from RGB to LAB space, and then removed the L layer so it is now a double(576,720,2) consisting of AB.

现在,我想将其分类为我在另一张图像上训练过的一些颜色,并将它们各自的 AB 表示计算为:

Now, I want to classify this to some colors that I have trained on another image, and calculated their respective AB-representations as:

Cluster 1: -17.7903  -13.1170
Cluster 2: -30.1957   40.3520
Cluster 3:  -4.4608   47.2543
Cluster 4:  46.3738   36.5225
Cluster 5:  43.3134  -17.6443
Cluster 6:  -0.9003    1.4042
Cluster 7:   7.3884   11.5584

现在,为了将每个像素分类/标记为集群 1-7,我目前执行以下操作(伪代码):

Now, in order to classify/label each pixel to a cluster 1-7, I currently do the following (pseudo-code):

for each x
  for each y
    ab = im(x,y,2:3);
    dist = norm(ab - clusters); // norm of dist between ab and each cluster
    [~, idx] = min(dist);

但是,由于图像分辨率以及我手动遍历每个 x 和 y,这非常慢(52 秒).

However, this is terribly slow (52 seconds) because of the image resolution and that I manually loop through each x and y.


Are there some built-in functions I can use that performs the same job? There must be.



方法 #1

对于 N x 2 大小的点/像素数组,您可以按照 ,它可能会稍微减慢速度,有一种 permute-unrolled" 版本,也让我们 bsxfun 致力于 2D 数组而不是 3D 数组,后者必须具有更好的性能.

Approach #1

For a N x 2 sized points/pixels array, you can avoid permute as suggested in the other solution by Luis, which could slow down things a bit, to have a kind of "permute-unrolled" version of it and also let's bsxfun work towards a 2D array instead of a 3D array, which must be better with performance.

因此,假设将簇排序为 N x 2 大小的数组,您可以尝试其他基于 bsxfun 的方法 -

Thus, assuming clusters to be ordered as a N x 2 sized array, you may try this other bsxfun based approach -

%// Get a's and b's
im_a = im(:,:,2);
im_b = im(:,:,3);

%// Get the minimum indices that correspond to the cluster IDs
[~,idx]  = min(bsxfun(@minus,im_a(:),clusters(:,1).').^2 + ...
idx = reshape(idx,size(im,1),[]);


您可以尝试另一种利用MATLAB 中的快速矩阵乘法,基于这个智能解决方案 -

d = 2; %// dimension of the problem size

im23 = reshape(im(:,:,2:3),[],2);

numA = size(im23,1);
numB = size(clusters,1);

A_ext = zeros(numA,3*d);
B_ext = zeros(numB,3*d);
for id = 1:d
    A_ext(:,3*id-2:3*id) = [ones(numA,1), -2*im23(:,id), im23(:,id).^2 ];
    B_ext(:,3*id-2:3*id) = [clusters(:,id).^2 ,  clusters(:,id), ones(numB,1)];
[~, idx] = min(A_ext * B_ext',[],2); %//'
idx = reshape(idx, size(im,1),[]); %// Desired IDs


让我们考虑两个矩阵 AB 我们要计算它们之间的距离矩阵.为了接下来更容易解释,让我们将 A 视为 3 x 2,将 B 视为 4 x 2 大小的数组,从而表明我们正在处理 XY 点.如果我们有 A 作为 N x 3B 作为 M x 3 大小的数组,那么它们将是 XYZ 点.

What’s going on with the matrix multiplication based distance matrix calculation?

Let us consider two matrices A and B between whom we want to calculate the distance matrix. For the sake of an easier explanation that follows next, let us consider A as 3 x 2 and B as 4 x 2 sized arrays, thus indicating that we are working with X-Y points. If we had A as N x 3 and B as M x 3 sized arrays, then those would be X-Y-Z points.

现在,如果我们必须手动计算距离矩阵平方的第一个元素,它看起来像这样 –

Now, if we have to manually calculate the first element of the square of distance matrix, it would look like this –

first_element = ( A(1,1) – B(1,1) )^2 + ( A(1,2) – B(1,2) )^2

这将是 –

first_element = A(1,1)^2 + B(1,1)^2 -2*A(1,1)* B(1,1)   +  ...
                A(1,2)^2 + B(1,2)^2 -2*A(1,2)* B(1,2)    … Equation  (1)

现在,根据我们提出的矩阵乘法,如果在前面代码中的循环结束后检查 A_extB_ext 的输出,它们将如下所示——

Now, according to our proposed matrix multiplication, if you check the output of A_ext and B_ext after the loop in the earlier code ends, they would look like the following –

因此,如果您在 A_extB_ext 的转置之间执行矩阵乘法,则乘积的第一个元素将是 A_ext 的第一行之间元素乘法的总和code>A_ext 和 B_ext,即它们的总和 –

So, if you perform matrix multiplication between A_ext and transpose of B_ext, the first element of the product would be the sum of elementwise multiplication between the first rows of A_ext and B_ext, i.e. sum of these –

结果将与之前从 Equation (1) 获得的结果相同.这将针对 A 的所有元素与 B 的所有元素继续,这些元素与 A 位于同一列中.因此,我们最终会得到完整的平方距离矩阵.这就是全部!!

The result would be identical to the result obtained from Equation (1) earlier. This would continue for all the elements of A against all the elements of B that are in the same column as in A. Thus, we would end up with the complete squared distance matrix. That’s all there is!!


Vectorized variations of the matrix multiplication based distance matrix calculations are possible, though there weren't any big performance improvements seen with them. Two such variations are listed next.


[nA,dim] = size(A);
nB = size(B,1);

A_ext = ones(nA,dim*3);
A_ext(:,2:3:end) = -2*A;
A_ext(:,3:3:end) = A.^2;

B_ext = ones(nB,dim*3);
B_ext(:,1:3:end) = B.^2;
B_ext(:,2:3:end) = B;

distmat = A_ext * B_ext.';


[nA,dim] = size(A);
nB = size(B,1);

A_ext = [ones(nA*dim,1) -2*A(:) A(:).^2];
B_ext = [B(:).^2 B(:) ones(nB*dim,1)];

A_ext = reshape(permute(reshape(A_ext,nA,dim,[]),[1 3 2]),nA,[]);
B_ext = reshape(permute(reshape(B_ext,nB,dim,[]),[1 3 2]),nB,[]);

distmat = A_ext * B_ext.';


So, these could be considered as experimental versions too.

这篇关于Matlab 中的高效分类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 19:51