本文介绍了学习者将可执行文件更改为库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我的小应用程序扫描魔兽世界拍卖扫描现在的工作原理是 它会生成CSV格式的有用表格,用户可以随心所欲地使用他们喜欢的b $ b。 我创建它作为控制台应用程序。如果我想在其上放置一个文件 选择GUI,最好的方法是将其更改为库 而不是重新开始。我认为在Windows中这意味着一个dll。 这可能吗?它只有400行代码,其中很多代码都是b&bLearner。加盖它但是学会建立图书馆是我的下一步 步骤。 如果有一个URL如何工作以及UI应该读取的内容,请告诉 我知道。 谢谢。 解决方案 如果有一个URL如何工作,* I *应该*读取,请 让我知道。对不起 - 糟糕的拼写 - 周一和深夜最后 晚上;-) pkirk25说: 我的小应用程序扫描魔兽世界拍卖扫描现在可以在那里工作 它会生成CSV格式的有用表格,用户可以用它来做什么? 他们喜欢。 我创建它作为控制台应用程序。如果我想在其上放置一个文件 选择GUI,最好的方法是将其更改为库 而不是重新开始。我认为在Windows中这意味着一个DLL。 可以,但不是必须的。你可以在Windows中做静态库。 如果你去DLL路由,可以这样做*没有* hacking 你的源代码充满了微软特有的垃圾。 (任何告诉你 不同的人都不知道他们在谈论什么。) 这可能吗?它只有400行代码,其中很多代码都是b&bLearner。盖章,但学习图书馆是我的下一步 步骤。 我有一个页面在我的网站上探讨了这个主题(虽然相当简短) 网站: http://www.cpax.org.uk/ prg / portable / c / statlibs.php 它至少是一个可以开始的地方。 - Richard Heathfield Usenet是一个奇怪的地方 - dmr 29/7/1999 http://www.cpax.org.uk 电子邮件:rjh在上面的域名(但显然放弃了www) 可以,但不是必须的。你可以在Windows中做静态库。 如果你去DLL路由,可以这样做*没有* hacking 你的源代码充满了微软特有的垃圾。 (任何人告诉你 如果该应用程序很有用,它将需要在Mac和Windows上运行。 如果我读得正确,我将main()重命名为do_something()并确保 标题位于库路径中,我将能够调用 do_something ()来自GUI应用程序。 我将从VC ++ IDE中了解如何执行此操作。 非常感谢有用的网页。 My little app to scan World of Warcraft auction scans now works in thatit generates useful tables in CSV format that the user can do wahteverthey like with.I created it as a console application. If I want to put a FileSelection GUI on it, the nicest way would be to change it to a libraryrather than start again. I think in Windows this means a dll.Is this possible? Its only 400 lines of code, a lot of which has"Learner" stamped all over it but learning to make a library is my nextstep.If there is a URL to how this works and what UI hsould read, please letme know.Thanks. 解决方案 If there is a URL to how this works and that* I* should* read, pleaselet me know. Sorry - awful spelling - its Monday and late night lastnight ;-) pkirk25 said:My little app to scan World of Warcraft auction scans now works in thatit generates useful tables in CSV format that the user can do wahteverthey like with.I created it as a console application. If I want to put a FileSelection GUI on it, the nicest way would be to change it to a libraryrather than start again. I think in Windows this means a dll.Can be, but needn''t be. You can do static libraries in Windows.And if you do go the DLL route, it is possible to do so *without* hackingyour source code full of Microsoft-specific junk. (Anyone who tells youdifferent doesn''t know what they''re talking about.)Is this possible? Its only 400 lines of code, a lot of which has"Learner" stamped all over it but learning to make a library is my nextstep.I have a page which explores this subject (albeit rather briefly) on my Website: http://www.cpax.org.uk/prg/portable/c/statlibs.phpIt is, at least, a place to start.--Richard Heathfield"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29/7/1999 http://www.cpax.org.ukemail: rjh at above domain (but drop the www, obviously)Can be, but needn''t be. You can do static libraries in Windows.And if you do go the DLL route, it is possible to do so *without* hackingyour source code full of Microsoft-specific junk. (Anyone who tells youIf the app is useful it will need to run on Mac as well as Windows.If I read correctly, I rename main() to do_something() and make surethe headers are in the library path and I''ll be able to calldo_something() from the GUI app.I will read up on how to do this from within the VC++ IDE.Thanks fo ra very useful web page. 这篇关于学习者将可执行文件更改为库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-13 19:41