




I am trying to understand and learn SyntaxNet. I am trying to figure out whether is there any way to use SyntaxNet for Name Entity Recognition of a corpus. Any sample code or helpful links would be appreciated.


虽然Syntaxnet并未明确提供任何命名实体识别功能,但Parsey McParseface会进行语音标记,并以Co-NLL表形式产生输出.

While Syntaxnet does not explicitly offer any Named Entity Recognition functionality, Parsey McParseface does part of speech tagging and produces the output as a Co-NLL table.


Any proper noun is tagged as NNP and I have found that a simple regex identifier like so: <NNP>+ i.e. one or more proper nouns put together, gives a fairly good yield of named entities within a document. It is of course rudimentary and rule-based but effective nonetheless.


In order to pipe the Co-NLL data to an output file from the demo.sh script (located in "/opt/tensorflow/models/syntaxnet/syntaxnet") comment out the section of the code that pipes it to conll2ascii.py so that the script looks like so:

[[ "$1" == "--conll" ]] && INPUT_FORMAT=stdin-conll || INPUT_FORMAT=stdin

  --input=$INPUT_FORMAT \
  --output=stdout-conll \
  --hidden_layer_sizes=64 \
  --arg_prefix=brain_tagger \
  --graph_builder=structured \
  --task_context=$MODEL_DIR/context.pbtxt \
  --model_path=$MODEL_DIR/tagger-params \
  --slim_model \
  --batch_size=1024 \
  --alsologtostderr \
   | \
  --input=stdin-conll \
  --output=sample-param \
  --hidden_layer_sizes=512,512 \
  --arg_prefix=brain_parser \
  --graph_builder=structured \
  --task_context=$MODEL_DIR/context.pbtxt \
  --model_path=$MODEL_DIR/parser-params \
  --slim_model \
  --batch_size=1024 \


You will also notice that the output parameter was changed in the above file to sample-param. We will now set this. Make your way to the context.pbtxt file (located in "/opt/tensorflow/models/syntaxnet/syntaxnet/models/parsey_mcparseface") and create an input parameter to point to your output file. It should look something like so:

input {
  name: 'sample-param'
  record_format: 'conll-sentence'
  Part {
    file_pattern: "directory/prepoutput.txt"


Save and close the file and return to "/opt/tensorflow/models/syntaxnet" and run syntaxnet/demo.sh as given in the syntaxnet tutorial. On completion go to the specified output folder and you should have a table in co-nll format. You can then run a simple iterative program that goes over each entry and identifies the pos tags and based on this can try variations of my suggested format for entity recognition.



08-13 19:14