





为了更好地理解它,我使用MatLab对其进行编码并实现所需的聚类.我已经使用SIFT功能来进行特征提取.并且已经使用k-means聚类来初始化值. (来自 VLFeat 文档)

%images is a 459 x 1 cell array where each cell contains the training image
[locations, all_feats] = vl_dsift(single(images{1}), 'fast', 'step', 50); %all_feats will be 128 x no. of keypoints detected
for i=2:(size(images,1))
    [locations, feats] = vl_dsift(single(images{i}), 'fast', 'step', 50);
    all_feats = cat(2, all_feats, feats); %cat column wise all features

numClusters = 50; %Just a random selection.
% Run KMeans to pre-cluster the data
[initMeans, assignments] = vl_kmeans(single(all_feats), numClusters, ...
    'Algorithm','Lloyd', ...

initMeans = double(initMeans); %GMM needs it to be double

% Find the initial means, covariances and priors
for i=1:numClusters
    data_k = all_feats(:,assignments==i);
    initPriors(i) = size(data_k,2) / numClusters;

    if size(data_k,1) == 0 || size(data_k,2) == 0
        initCovariances(:,i) = diag(cov(data'));
        initCovariances(:,i) = double(diag(cov(double((data_k')))));

% Run EM starting from the given parameters
[means,covariances,priors,ll,posteriors] = vl_gmm(double(all_feats), numClusters, ...
    'initialization','custom', ...
    'InitMeans',initMeans, ...
    'InitCovariances',initCovariances, ...


meanscovariances向量的大小也分别为128 x 50.我期望它们是1 x 50,因为每一列都是一个簇,每个簇是否只有一个均值和协方差? (我知道128个是SIFT功能,但我期望均值和协方差.)





我认为,如果您先看看 GMM 模型代表.我将使用,但是您应该能够使用VLFeat进行同样的操作.


例如,让我们混合两个具有相等权重(p = [0.5; 0.5])的正态分布,第一个以0为中心,第二个以5为中心(mu = [0; 5]),并且第一和第二个分布的方差分别等于1和2 (sigma = cat(3, 1, 2)).


% create GMM
mu = [0; 5];
sigma = cat(3, 1, 2);
p = [0.5; 0.5];
gmm = gmdistribution(mu, sigma, p);

% view PDF
ezplot(@(x) pdf(gmm,x));

EM聚类的想法是,每个分布都代表一个聚类.因此,在上面的一维数据示例中,如果给定实例x = 0.5,我们将其分配为属于第一个具有99.5%概率的集群/模式

>> x = 0.5;
>> posterior(gmm, x)
ans =
    0.9950    0.0050    % probability x came from each component

您可以看到实例在第一个钟形曲线下的下落情况.而如果您在中间取一个点,答案将会更加模棱两可(分配给class = 2的点,但是不确定性要大得多):

>> x = 2.2
>> posterior(gmm, 2.2)
ans =
    0.4717    0.5283



% first distribution is centered at (0,0), second at (-1,3)
mu = [0 0; 3 3];

% covariance of first is identity matrix, second diagonal
sigma = cat(3, eye(2), [5 0; 0 1]);

% again I'm using equal priors
p = [0.5; 0.5];

% build GMM
gmm = gmdistribution(mu, sigma, p);

% 2D projection
ezcontourf(@(x,y) pdf(gmm,[x y]));

% view PDF surface
ezsurfc(@(x,y) pdf(gmm,[x y]));


因此,在上图中,您应该能够区分两个凸点"以及每个代表的个体分布.当您使用3D或更高尺寸时,请以3D尺寸代表(hyper-)椭球. >


正如其他人所解释的那样,这可以通过 EM算法迭代地解决. EM从对混合物模型参数的初始估计或猜测开始.根据参数产生的混合密度,迭代地对数据实例进行重新评分.然后将重新计分的实例用于更新参数估计.重复此过程,直到算法收敛为止.

不幸的是,EM算法对模型的初始化非常敏感,因此,如果设置的初始值很低,甚至陷入.初始化GMM参数的一种更好的方法是使用 K均值作为第一步(如您所示)在您的代码中),然后使用这些聚类的均值/均值来初始化EM.

与其他集群分析技术一样,我们首先需要确定要使用的集群数量. 交叉验证是一种可靠的方法,可以很好地估计群集数量. >

EM群集受以下事实困扰:需要拟合很多参数,并且通常需要大量数据和多次迭代才能获得良好的结果.具有M混合物和D维数据的无约束模型涉及拟合D*D*M + D*M + M参数(M个协方差矩阵,每个D大小为DxD,加上M个平均长度为D的向量,以及一个长度为M的先验向量).对于大量维的数据集,这可能是个问题.因此,通常会施加限制和假设以简化问题(一种正则化,以避免过度拟合问题).例如,您可以将协方差矩阵固定为仅对角线,甚至可以在所有高斯人之间共享 a 的协方差矩阵.

最后,一旦拟合了混合模型,就可以通过使用每个混合分量计算数据实例的后验概率来探索聚类(就像我在1D示例中展示的那样). GMM根据这种成员资格"可能性将每个实例分配给集群.


% load Fisher Iris dataset
load fisheriris

% project it down to 2 dimensions for the sake of visualization
[~,data] = pca(meas,'NumComponents',2);
mn = min(data); mx = max(data);
D = size(data,2);    % data dimension

% inital kmeans step used to initialize EM
K = 3;               % number of mixtures/clusters
cInd = kmeans(data, K, 'EmptyAction','singleton');

% fit a GMM model
gmm = fitgmdist(data, K, 'Options',statset('MaxIter',1000), ...
    'CovType','full', 'SharedCov',false, 'Regularize',0.01, 'Start',cInd);

% means, covariances, and mixing-weights
mu = gmm.mu;
sigma = gmm.Sigma;
p = gmm.PComponents;

% cluster and posterior probablity of each instance
% note that: [~,clustIdx] = max(p,[],2)
[clustInd,~,p] = cluster(gmm, data);

% plot data, clustering of the entire domain, and the GMM contours
clrLite = [1 0.6 0.6 ; 0.6 1 0.6 ; 0.6 0.6 1];
clrDark = [0.7 0 0 ; 0 0.7 0 ; 0 0 0.7];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(mn(1),mx(1),50), linspace(mn(2),mx(2),50));
C = cluster(gmm, [X(:) Y(:)]);
image(X(:), Y(:), reshape(C,size(X))), hold on
gscatter(data(:,1), data(:,2), species, clrDark)
h = ezcontour(@(x,y)pdf(gmm,[x y]), [mn(1) mx(1) mn(2) mx(2)]);
set(h, 'LineColor','k', 'LineStyle',':')
hold off, axis xy, colormap(clrLite)
title('2D data and fitted GMM'), xlabel('PC1'), ylabel('PC2')

I'm trying to understand GMM by reading the sources available online. I have achieved clustering using K-Means and was seeing how GMM would compare to K-means.

Here is what I have understood, please let me know if my concept is wrong:

GMM is like KNN, in the sense that clustering is achieved in both cases. But in GMM each cluster has their own independent mean and covariance. Furthermore k-means performs hard assignments of data points to clusters whereas in GMM we get a collection of independant gaussian distributions, and for each data point we have a probability that it belongs to one of the distributions.

To understand it better I have used MatLab to code it and achieve the desired clustering. I have used SIFT features for the purpose of feature extraction. And have used k-means clustering to initialize the values. (This is from the VLFeat documentation)

%images is a 459 x 1 cell array where each cell contains the training image
[locations, all_feats] = vl_dsift(single(images{1}), 'fast', 'step', 50); %all_feats will be 128 x no. of keypoints detected
for i=2:(size(images,1))
    [locations, feats] = vl_dsift(single(images{i}), 'fast', 'step', 50);
    all_feats = cat(2, all_feats, feats); %cat column wise all features

numClusters = 50; %Just a random selection.
% Run KMeans to pre-cluster the data
[initMeans, assignments] = vl_kmeans(single(all_feats), numClusters, ...
    'Algorithm','Lloyd', ...

initMeans = double(initMeans); %GMM needs it to be double

% Find the initial means, covariances and priors
for i=1:numClusters
    data_k = all_feats(:,assignments==i);
    initPriors(i) = size(data_k,2) / numClusters;

    if size(data_k,1) == 0 || size(data_k,2) == 0
        initCovariances(:,i) = diag(cov(data'));
        initCovariances(:,i) = double(diag(cov(double((data_k')))));

% Run EM starting from the given parameters
[means,covariances,priors,ll,posteriors] = vl_gmm(double(all_feats), numClusters, ...
    'initialization','custom', ...
    'InitMeans',initMeans, ...
    'InitCovariances',initCovariances, ...

Based on the above I have means, covariances and priors. My main question is, What now? I am kind of lost now.

Also the means, covariances vectors are each of the size 128 x 50. I was expecting them to be 1 x 50 since each column is a cluster, wont each cluster have only one mean and covariance? (I know 128 are the SIFT features but I was expecting means and covariances).

In k-means I used the the MatLab command knnsearch(X,Y) which basically finds the nearest neighbour in X for each point in Y.

So how to achieve this in GMM, I know its a collection of probabilities, and ofcourse the nearest match from that probability will be our winning cluster. And this is where I am confused.All tutorials online have taught how to achieve the means, covariances values, but do not say much in how to actually use them in terms of clustering.

Thank you


I think it would help if you first look at what a GMM model represents. I'll be using functions from the Statistics Toolbox, but you should be able to do the same using VLFeat.

Let's start with the case of a mixture of two 1-dimensional normal distributions. Each Gaussian is represented by a pair of mean and variance. The mixture assign a weight to each component (prior).

For example, lets mix two normal distributions with equal weights (p = [0.5; 0.5]), the first centered at 0 and the second at 5 (mu = [0; 5]), and the variances equal 1 and 2 respectively for the first and second distributions (sigma = cat(3, 1, 2)).

As you can see below, the mean effectively shifts the distribution, while the variance determines how wide/narrow and flat/pointy it is. The prior sets the mixing proportions to get the final combined model.

% create GMM
mu = [0; 5];
sigma = cat(3, 1, 2);
p = [0.5; 0.5];
gmm = gmdistribution(mu, sigma, p);

% view PDF
ezplot(@(x) pdf(gmm,x));

The idea of EM clustering is that each distribution represents a cluster. So in the example above with one dimensional data, if you were given an instance x = 0.5, we would assign it as belonging to the first cluster/mode with 99.5% probability

>> x = 0.5;
>> posterior(gmm, x)
ans =
    0.9950    0.0050    % probability x came from each component

you can see how the instance falls well under the first bell-curve. Whereas if you take a point in the middle, the answer would be more ambiguous (point assigned to class=2 but with much less certainty):

>> x = 2.2
>> posterior(gmm, 2.2)
ans =
    0.4717    0.5283

The same concepts extend to higher dimension with multivariate normal distributions. In more than one dimension, the covariance matrix is a generalization of variance, in order to account for inter-dependencies between features.

Here is an example again with a mixture of two MVN distributions in 2-dimensions:

% first distribution is centered at (0,0), second at (-1,3)
mu = [0 0; 3 3];

% covariance of first is identity matrix, second diagonal
sigma = cat(3, eye(2), [5 0; 0 1]);

% again I'm using equal priors
p = [0.5; 0.5];

% build GMM
gmm = gmdistribution(mu, sigma, p);

% 2D projection
ezcontourf(@(x,y) pdf(gmm,[x y]));

% view PDF surface
ezsurfc(@(x,y) pdf(gmm,[x y]));

There is some intuition behind how the the covariance matrix affects the shape of the joint density function. For instance in 2D, if the matrix is diagonal it implies that the two dimensions don't co-vary. In that case the PDF would look like an axis-aligned ellipse stretched out either horizontally or vertically according to which dimension has the bigger variance. If they are equal, then the shape is a perfect circle (distribution spread out in both dimensions at an equal rate). Finally if the covariance matrix is arbitrary (non-diagonal but still symmetric by definition), then it will probably look like a stretched ellipse rotated at some angle.

So in the previous figure, you should be able to tell the two "bumps" apart and what individual distribution each represent. When you go 3D and higher dimensions, think of the it as representing (hyper-)ellipsoids in N-dims.

Now when you're performing clustering using GMM, the goal is to find the model parameters (mean and covariance of each distribution as well as the priors) so that the resulting model best fits the data. The best-fit estimation translates into maximizing the likelihood of the data given the GMM model (meaning you choose model that maximizes Pr(data|model)).

As other have explained, this is solved iteratively using the EM algorithm; EM starts with an initial estimate or guess of the parameters of the mixture model. It iteratively re-scores the data instances against the mixture density produced by the parameters. The re-scored instances are then used to update the parameter estimates. This is repeated until the algorithm converges.

Unfortunately the EM algorithm is very sensitive to the initialization of the model, so it might take a long time to converge if you set poor initial values, or even get stuck in local optima. A better way to initial the GMM parameters is to use K-means as a first step (like you've shown in your code), and using the mean/cov of those clusters to initialize EM.

As with other cluster analysis techniques, we first need to decide on the number of clusters to use. Cross-validation is a robust way to find a good estimate of the number of clusters.

EM clustering suffers from the fact that there a lot parameters to fit, and usually requires lots of data and many iterations to get good results. An unconstrained model with M-mixtures and D-dimensional data involves fitting D*D*M + D*M + M parameters (M covariance matrices each of size DxD, plus M mean vectors of length D, plus a vector of priors of length M). That could be a problem for datasets with large number of dimensions. So it is customary to impose restrictions and assumption to simplify the problem (a sort of regularization to avoid overfitting problems). For instance you could fix the covariance matrix to be only diagonal or even have the covariance matrices shared across all Gaussians.

Finally once you've fitted the mixture model, you can explore the clusters by computing the posterior probability of data instances using each mixture component (like I've showed with the 1D example). GMM assigns each instance to a cluster according to this "membership" likelihood.

Here is a more complete example of clustering data using Gaussian mixture models:

% load Fisher Iris dataset
load fisheriris

% project it down to 2 dimensions for the sake of visualization
[~,data] = pca(meas,'NumComponents',2);
mn = min(data); mx = max(data);
D = size(data,2);    % data dimension

% inital kmeans step used to initialize EM
K = 3;               % number of mixtures/clusters
cInd = kmeans(data, K, 'EmptyAction','singleton');

% fit a GMM model
gmm = fitgmdist(data, K, 'Options',statset('MaxIter',1000), ...
    'CovType','full', 'SharedCov',false, 'Regularize',0.01, 'Start',cInd);

% means, covariances, and mixing-weights
mu = gmm.mu;
sigma = gmm.Sigma;
p = gmm.PComponents;

% cluster and posterior probablity of each instance
% note that: [~,clustIdx] = max(p,[],2)
[clustInd,~,p] = cluster(gmm, data);

% plot data, clustering of the entire domain, and the GMM contours
clrLite = [1 0.6 0.6 ; 0.6 1 0.6 ; 0.6 0.6 1];
clrDark = [0.7 0 0 ; 0 0.7 0 ; 0 0 0.7];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(mn(1),mx(1),50), linspace(mn(2),mx(2),50));
C = cluster(gmm, [X(:) Y(:)]);
image(X(:), Y(:), reshape(C,size(X))), hold on
gscatter(data(:,1), data(:,2), species, clrDark)
h = ezcontour(@(x,y)pdf(gmm,[x y]), [mn(1) mx(1) mn(2) mx(2)]);
set(h, 'LineColor','k', 'LineStyle',':')
hold off, axis xy, colormap(clrLite)
title('2D data and fitted GMM'), xlabel('PC1'), ylabel('PC2')


08-13 19:07