本文介绍了UNIX shell C执行管道的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


,例如:ls或ls -l | wc

My program is supposed to take input from the terminal and execute the command for example: "ls" or "ls -l | wc"


//Split the command and store each string in parameter[]
    parameter[0] = malloc(255);                     //Allocate some space to the first element in the array
    cp = strtok(command, " ");                      //Get the initial string (the command)
    strncpy(parameter[0], cp, 50);
    for(i = 1; i < MAX_ARG; i++)
        parameter[i] = malloc(255);
        cp = strtok(NULL, " ");                 //Check for each string in the array
        parameter[i] = cp;                      //Store the result string in an indexed off array
        if(strcmp(parameter[i], "|") == 0)
            i = MAX_ARG;
            cp = strtok(NULL, " ");
            parameter2[0] = malloc(255);
            strncpy(parameter2[0], cp, 50);
        if(parameter[i]  == NULL)

    //Find the second set of commands and parameter
    //strncpy(parameter2[0], cp, 50);
    for (j = 1; j < MAX_ARG; j++)
        parameter2[j] = malloc(255);
        cp = strtok(NULL, " ");
        parameter2[j] = cp;

{...} //这是命令和参数的执行部分:

{...} //This is the execution of the command and parameter part:

if (proc1 ==  0)
            close(fd[0]);                           //process1 doenst need to read from pipe
            close(STD_INPUT);                       //prepare for output
            dup(fd[1]);                             //Standard output = fd[1]
            execvp(parameter[0], parameter);        //Execute the process

 else {
if (proc2 == 0)
                execvp(parameter2[0], parameter2);
            //Parent process
            waitpid(-1, &status, 0);            //Wait for the child to be done

不知道我在做什么不正确,因为当我输入ls -l | wc时,我收到一条消息说:在目录中找不到

I am not sure what I am doing incorrectly because when I enter "ls -l | wc" I get a message saying " | not found in directory"


您可以直接使用execvp执行ls和wc,但是 | 是shell程序的一个特性。所以你真正需要做的是运行bash,然后作为参数传递你的命令

You can execute ls and wc directly with execvp, but the | is a feature of your shell program. So what you really need to do is run bash, and then pass as a parameter your command



This is so trivial though, it seems like what you're really supposed to be doing is implementing the shell yourself. For that, you'll need to do some parsing, not just naive tokenizing with strtok. If this is an assignment, I would hope they would give you clear instructions on how to do that, or at least what kinds of shell commands you need to be able to accept (just pipes? subshells maybe?). If you're just trying to implement this on your own, I would start with reading up a bit on compiler tools like lex and yacc that can help you parse shell commands and execute them.

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08-13 19:04