

当一个圆括号上的光标时,如何跳转到配对括号。在 emacs -nw 中工作很好。

When cursor on one parentheses, how to jump to the pairing parentheses. Good to work in emacs -nw .


;;从@ Lindy,@Francesco,我发现更多:

;;After got hint from @Lindy, @Francesco, I found more:

  C-M-f     Move forward over a balanced expression
  C-M-b     Move backward over a balanced expression
  C-M-k     Kill balanced expression forward
  C-M-SPC   put the mark at the end of the sexp.
  C-M-n  Move forward over a parenthetical group
  C-M-p  Move backward over a parenthetical group
  ;; C-M key binding can also be done by --> ESC Control-key

  ;;And put this to .emacs, it will highlight opening/closing parens:
  (show-paren-mode 1)


使用 CM-right CM-left (分别 backward-sexp forward-sexp )去当前表达式的开始或结束。这适用于括号对,但也适用于简单的单词。

Use C-M-right and C-M-left (respectively backward-sexp and forward-sexp) to go to the beginning or the end of the current expression. This works for parenthesis pairs but also for plain words.


08-13 18:58