本文介绍了MALLOC在C 3维数组?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我翻译一些MATLAB code到C和我转换脚本大量使用三维阵列与10 * 100 * 300的复杂项目。阵列的大小还取决于传感器的输入,理想阵列应动态分配的。到目前为止,我已经试过两种方法首先是沿着线一台一维数组

I'm translating some MATLAB code into C and the script I'm converting makes heavy use of 3D arrays with 10*100*300 complex entries. The size of the array also depends on the sensor's input, ideally the array should be allocated dynamically. So far I've tried two approaches the first being a flat 1D array along the lines of

value = array[x + (y*xSize) + (z*ySize*xSize)]


Which hurts my brain to use. I've also tried an array of an array of pointers

int main () {
  int ***array = malloc(3*sizeof(int**));
  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    *array[i] = malloc(3*sizeof(int*));
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      array[i][j] = malloc(3*sizeof(int));

  array[1][2][1] = 10;

  return 0;


Which gives a seg fault when I try to assign data.


In a perfect world, I'd like to use the second method with the array notation for cleaner, easier programming. Is there a better way to dynamically allocate a three-dimensional array in C?



I'd go for the first option (the single 1D array) as it will give you a single block of memory to play in rather than potentially thousands of fragmented memory blocks


If accessing the correct element of the array is doing your head in though, I'd write a utility method to convert x, y, z locations into an offset into the 1D array

INT偏移(INT X,INT Y,INT Z){回报(Z * xSize * ySize)+(Y * xSize)+ X; }

int offset( int x, int y, int z ) { return ( z * xSize * ySize ) + ( y * xSize ) + x ; }

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08-13 18:33