我对Access VBA和SQL编码还很陌生.到目前为止,通过使用互联网,我已经能够找到我所遇到问题的大多数答案.我目前正在尝试在MS Access(2013)VBA中编写一些代码,以在关闭特定表单时从同一数据库中的另一个表中更新一个表中的数据.
I'm fairly new to Access VBA and SQL coding. So far, I've been able to find most of the answers to issues I've had by using the internet. I'm currently trying to write some code in MS Access (2013) VBA that updates the data in one table from another table in the same database when a particular form closes.
I've worked out several errors so far, but I'm stuck on a syntax error in the "UPDATE" for SQLReplace. There could be other errors that I don't know about yet, but I'm not sure. Any help/Guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim SQLMove As String
Dim SQLReplace As String
Dim CountyCaseType As String
Dim CaseNumber As String
Dim County As String
Dim FirstName As String
Dim MiddleName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim Facility As String
Dim VOL As String
Dim Diagnosis As String
Dim AppearanceWaived As String
Dim Dismissed As String
Dim HearingResults As String
Dim Disposition As String
Dim DOB As String
Dim Minor As String
Dim Sex As String
Dim ClerkName As String
Dim Judge As String
Dim CourtDate As String
CountyCaseType = "Tables!tblTemp.CountyCaseType.Value"
CaseNumber = "Tables!tblTemp.CaseNumber.Value"
County = "Tables!tblTemp.County.Value"
FirstName = "Tables!tblTemp.FirstName.Value"
MiddleName = "Tables!tblTemp.MiddleName.Value"
LastName = "Tables!tblTemp.LastName.Value"
Facility = "Tables!tblTemp.Facility.Value"
VOL = "Tables!tblTemp.VOL.Value"
Diagnosis = "Tables!tblTemp.Diagnosis.Value"
AppearanceWaived = "Tables!tblTemp.AppearanceWaived.Value"
Dismissed = "Tables!tblTemp.Dismissed.Value"
HearingResults = "Tables!tblTemp.HearingResults.Value"
Disposition = "Tables!tblTemp.Disposition.Value"
DOB = "Tables!tblTemp.DOB.Value"
Minor = "Tables!tblTemp.Minor.Value"
Sex = "Tables!tblTemp.Sex.Value"
ClerkName = "Tables!tblTemp.Clerk.Value"
Judge = "Tables!tblTemp.Judge.Value"
CourtDate = "Tables!tblTemp.CourtDate.Value"
SQLMove = "INSERT INTO tblCalendar SELECT * FROM tblTemp"
SQLReplace = "UPDATE tblCalendar " & _
"SET tblCalendar.CountyCaseType.Value = CountyCaseType, " & _
" tblCalendar.CaseNumber.Value = CaseNumber, " & _
" tblCalendar.County.Value = County, " & _
" tblCalendar.FirstName.Value = FirstName, " & _
" tblCalendar.MiddleName.Value = MiddleName, " & _
" tblCalendar.LastName.Value = LastName, " & _
" tblCalendar.Facility.Value = Facility, " & _
" tblCalendar.VOL.Value = VOL, " & _
" tblCalendar.Diagnosis.Value = Diagnosis, " & _
" tblCalendar.AppearanceWaived.Value = AppearanceWaived, " & _
" tblCalendar.Dismissed.Value = Dismissed, " & _
" tblCalendar.HearingResults.Value = HearingResults, " & _
" tblCalendar.Disposition.Value = Disposition, " & _
" tblCalendar.DOB.Value = DOB, " & _
" tblCalendar.Minor.Value = Minor, " & _
" tblCalendar.Sex.Value = Sex, " & _
" tblCalendar.ClerkName.Value = Clerk, " & _
" tblCalendar.Judge.Value = Judge, " & _
"FROM tblTemp " & _
"Where 'CourtDate = tblCalendar.CourtDate.Value'"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLMove)
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLReplace)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
There are several potential errors in your code:
As you are working directly in Access, you to not need the Tables!
part either. That is the syntax used when dealing with recordsets. For example, write tblTemp.CountyCaseType
instead of Tables!tblTemp.CountyCaseType.Value
变量的值不在SQL字符串中.您必须使用 [&] 将它们连接到SQLReplace字符串.例如,写
The values of your variables are not in the SQL string. You have to concatenate them to the SQLReplace String using [&]. For example, write
SQLReplace = "UPDATE tblCalendar " & _
"SET tblCalendar.CountyCaseType = " & CountyCaseType & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.CaseNumber = " & CaseNumber & ", " & _
As @AlanHadsell pointed out, remove the single quotes from the WHERE
Where 'CourtDate = tblCalendar.CourtDate.Value'
WHERE CourtDate = tblCalendar.CourtDate
但是正如我在 3)中所说的,CourTDate
But as I said in 3) CourTDate
is a String
variable, so it needs to be concatenated. Your final WHERE
clause should be:
"WHERE " & CourtDate & " = tblCalendar.CourtDate"
您不需要SQLReplace字符串中的FROM tblTemp
EDIT :正如@Parfait指出的那样,tblTemp在SQLReplace语句的范围内不存在.您应该执行INNER JOIN
EDIT: As @Parfait pointed out, tblTemp does not exist in scope of the SQLReplace statement. You should do an INNER JOIN
to fix that:
UPDATE tblCalendar INNER JOIN tblTemp ON tblCalendar.CourtDate = tblTemp.CourtDate SET ...
After fixing everything, your final code should look like:
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim SQLMove As String
Dim SQLReplace As String
Dim CountyCaseType As String
Dim CaseNumber As String
Dim County As String
Dim FirstName As String
Dim MiddleName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim Facility As String
Dim VOL As String
Dim Diagnosis As String
Dim AppearanceWaived As String
Dim Dismissed As String
Dim HearingResults As String
Dim Disposition As String
Dim DOB As String
Dim Minor As String
Dim Sex As String
Dim ClerkName As String
Dim Judge As String
Dim CourtDate As String
CountyCaseType = "tblTemp.CountyCaseType"
CaseNumber = "tblTemp.CaseNumber"
County = "tblTemp.County"
FirstName = "tblTemp.FirstName"
MiddleName = "tblTemp.MiddleName"
LastName = "tblTemp.LastName"
Facility = "tblTemp.Facility"
VOL = "tblTemp.VOL"
Diagnosis = "tblTemp.Diagnosis"
AppearanceWaived = "tblTemp.AppearanceWaived"
Dismissed = "tblTemp.Dismissed"
HearingResults = "tblTemp.HearingResults"
Disposition = "tblTemp.Disposition"
DOB = "tblTemp.DOB"
Minor = "tblTemp.Minor"
Sex = "tblTemp.Sex"
ClerkName = "tblTemp.Clerk"
Judge = "tblTemp.Judge"
CourtDate = "tblTemp.CourtDate"
SQLMove = "INSERT INTO tblCalendar SELECT * FROM tblTemp"
SQLReplace = "UPDATE tblCalendar " & _
"INNER JOIN tblTemp ON tblCalendar.CourtDate = tblTemp.CourtDate " & _
"SET tblCalendar.CountyCaseType = " & CountyCaseType & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.CaseNumber = " & CaseNumber & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.County = " & County & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.FirstName = " & FirstName & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.MiddleName = " & MiddleName & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.LastName = " & LastName & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Facility = " & Facility & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.VOL = " & VOL & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Diagnosis = " & Diagnosis & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.AppearanceWaived = " & AppearanceWaived & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Dismissed = " & Dismissed & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.HearingResults = " & HearingResults & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Disposition = " & Disposition & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.DOB = " & DOB & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Minor = " & Minor & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Sex = " & Sex & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.ClerkName = " & Clerk & ", " & _
" tblCalendar.Judge = " & Judge
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLMove)
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLReplace)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
To finish, instead of declaring a String
variable for each attributes in tableTemp
that you want to copy, and then assigning some values to them, you can simply omit the declarations and put the attributes dicrectly in the SQL. That will geatly reduce the length of your code as follow:
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim SQLMove As String
Dim SQLReplace As String
SQLMove = "INSERT INTO tblCalendar SELECT * FROM tblTemp"
SQLReplace = "UPDATE tblCalendar " & _
"INNER JOIN tblTemp ON tblCalendar.CourtDate = tblTemp.CourtDate " & _
"SET tblCalendar.CountyCaseType = tblTemp.CountyCaseType, " & _
" tblCalendar.CaseNumber = tblTemp.CaseNumber, " & _
" tblCalendar.County = tblTemp.County, " & _
" tblCalendar.FirstName = tblTemp.FirstName, " & _
" tblCalendar.MiddleName = tblTemp.MiddleName, " & _
" tblCalendar.LastName = tblTemp.LastName, " & _
" tblCalendar.Facility = tblTemp.Facility, " & _
" tblCalendar.VOL = tblTemp.VOL, " & _
" tblCalendar.Diagnosis = tblTemp.Diagnosis, " & _
" tblCalendar.AppearanceWaived = tblTemp.AppearanceWaived, " & _
" tblCalendar.Dismissed = tblTemp.Dismissed, " & _
" tblCalendar.HearingResults = tblTemp.HearingResults, " & _
" tblCalendar.Disposition = tblTemp.Disposition, " & _
" tblCalendar.DOB = tblTemp.DOB, " & _
" tblCalendar.Minor = tblTemp.Minor, " & _
" tblCalendar.Sex = tblTemp.Sex, " & _
" tblCalendar.ClerkName = tblTemp.ClerkName, " & _
" tblCalendar.Judge = tblTemp.Judge"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLMove)
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQLReplace)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
这篇关于在Access VBA中更新SQL-从另一个表更新表值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!