


A non-prime pair which forms N is 2 different non-prime numbers where the product of the numbers is N.

1< = N< = 10 ^ 6


例如对于N = 24,有2个好对(形成N的非素对)(4,6),( 1,24),但(2,12),(3,8)不好。

For example For N = 24 there are 2 good pairs (non-prime pairs that form N) (4,6), (1,24), but (2,12), (3,8) are not good.


Note: for any 2 numbers a and b pair(a,b) = pair(b,a).

还有另一个条件指出,如果数字是一个特殊数字,则输出=- 1否则计算非质数。

There is another condition which states that if the number is a special number, so output = -1 otherwise count the number of non-primes.

如果数字可以表示为三个质数的乘积,则称为特殊数。例如:12是一个特殊数字,因为12 = 2 * 2 * 3;

Number is called special number if it can be represented as a product of three prime numbers. Example: 12 is a special number because 12=2*2*3;

需要O(N * log (log(N))。

I tried brute-force approach using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes ,which takes O(N*log(log(N)).



Any idea will be appreciated.



首先,Eratosthenes的筛子为O(N * log(log(N))列出所有小于或等于N的素数(当)。

First of all, Eratosthenes' sieve is O(N*log(log(N)) to list all primes below or equal N (when well implemented).

第二个:假设您将数量乘以 Q 质数,而没有筛选,最糟糕的是O(sqrt(N))的过程(最糟糕的是,您的数是质数)。您有以下地图:

Second: suppose you factored your number in Q primes with multiplicity which, without sieving, is a process of O(sqrt(N)) at worst (worst: your number is prime). So you have a map of:

  • p ->多重性m

  • p ->多重性m

  • ...

  • p ->多重性m

  • p -> multiplicity m
  • p -> multiplicity m
  • ...
  • p -> multiplicity m


How many divisors made from multiplying at least 2 prime factors?

好吧,其中会有 m0 * m1 * ... mq [此处更正]。为什么?好吧,准备一个所有因数的幂产生的所有除数的列表(包括p == 1),但是将那些因数 1

Well, there will be m0*m1*...mq of them [correction here]. Why? Well, prepare a list of all the divisors generated wit the powers of each factor (including p==1), but cross out the ones with a power of 1.

  • {1,,p }是 m0 生成除数的方法具有 p0 的幂,除了p0

  • {1, ,p ,... p }是 m1
  • ...
  • $ b $之外,具有 p1 次幂的除数的方法b
  • {1,,p1 ,... p1 }是 mQ pQ

  • {1, , p, ...p} are m0 ways of generating divisors with the powers of p0 except p0
  • {1, , p, ...p} are m1 ways of generating divisors with the powers of p1 except p1
  • ...
  • {1, , p1, ...p1} are mQ ways of generating divisors with the powers of pQ

具有非质数除数的所有组合的数量(因为每个组中已经包含了 1 且不包括每个质因数)以上所有子集的笛卡尔乘积的基数-因此是各个基数的乘积,因此 m0 * m1 * ... mq

The number of all combinations with non-prime divisors (as 1 is already included in each set and each prime factors by itself is excluded ) will be the cardinality of the cartesian product of all the above subsets - thus the product of the individual cardinalities, therefore m0*m1*...mq


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

class Example {

  static void factor(long N, Map<Long, Short> primesWithMultiplicity) {
    // some arg checking and trivial cases
    if(N<0) N=-N;
    if(0==N) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Are you kidding me? Every number divides 0, "+
         "you really want them all listed?"
    if(1==N) {

     // don't try divisors higher than sqrt(N),
    // if they would have been detected by their composite-complement
    for(long div=2; div*div < N; ) {
      short multiplicity=0;
      while((N % div)==0) {
        N /= div; // reduce N
      if(multiplicity>0) {
        primesWithMultiplicity.put(div, multiplicity);
      div+= (div == 2 ? 1 : 2); // from 2 to 3, but then going only on odd numbers
    // done.. well almost, if N is prime, then
    // trying to divide up to sqrt(N) will lead an empty result. But,
    // in this case, N will still be at original value (as opposed
    // to being 1 if complete factored)
    if(N>1) {
      primesWithMultiplicity.put(N, (short)1);

  static int countDistinctCompositePairs(long N) {
    HashMap<Long, Short> factoringResults=new HashMap<>();
    factor(N, factoringResults);
    int ret=1;
    for(short multiplicity : factoringResults.values()) {
    return ret/2;

  static public void main(String[] args) {


08-13 17:27