


I am trying to manipulate a string of open hours that is given to me.


It is poorly formatted and I need to bring it up to the same standard as another piece of data from a different source.


星期一-星期三930- 1700星期四900-1700星期五930-1700


星期一-星期三930-1700星期四900-1700星期五930-1700星期六900- 1200

Mon-Wed 930-1700 Thu 900-1700 Fri 930-1700
Mon - Wed 930-1700 Thu 900-1700 Fri 930-1700
Mon - Thu 930-1600 Fri 930-1700
Mon - Wed 930-1700 Thu 900-1700 Fri 930-1700 Sat 900-1200


As you can see there is not always spaces between hyphens on days etc.


I need it to be separated by semicolon as follows:


周一至周三930- 1700;星期四900-1700;星期五930-1700


星期一-星期三930-1700;星期四900-1700;星期四930 -1700; Sat 900-1200

Mon-Wed 930-1700;Thu 900-1700;Fri 930-1700
Mon - Wed 930-1700;Thu 900-1700;Fri 930-1700
Mon - Thu 930-1600;Fri 930-1700
Mon - Wed 930-1700;Thu 900-1700;Fri 930-1700;Sat 900-1200


Not sure if its the best/easiest solution but I had the idea to check if there is a space following a zero and if following that zero is a letter eg M, T, W, F, or S. Then I would know it is the end of one set of hours and replace the space with a semicolon. I am new to objective c and really don't know how to peek ahead or check individual characters in a NSString. This also seems like it may be a complicated solution.

另外,我需要将这些时间从24小时转换为12小时。例如1700至5:00 pm、0930至9:30 am。我知道我可以减去1200并加上pm,但是如何在小时和分钟之间加上:,如果上午10:00之前的前导零也要删除呢?

Also related, I need to convert these hours from 24hr time to 12hr time. eg 1700 to 5:00pm, 0930 to 9:30am. I understand I can subtract 1200 and add the pm but how do I add the : between hour and minute and also remove the leading zero if it is before 10:00am?


Sorry for the large amount of text but I felt it was better to explain it more in the beginning.



// side note: you should probably not mess around with individual characters unless you're only dealing with ASCII

NSString *text = // all your text  

NSMutableString *mutableText = [[text mutableCopy] autorelease];  // make a mutable copy so we can change in place

[mutableText replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\t" withString:@"" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [mutableText length])]; // delete Tabs
[mutableText replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" -" withString:@"-" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [mutableText length])]; // make all dashes consistent
[mutableText replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"- " withString:@"-" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [mutableText length])];

NSArray *words = [mutableText componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]]; // split each line

NSMutableString *cleanedText = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:0]; // will hold cleaned-up string

// go thru each line and insert semi-colon after all but the last hours 
for (NSString *record in words)
    // assumes all hours end in zero
    NSString *newRecord = [record stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"0 " withString:@"0;" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [record length])];
    [cleanedText appendFormat:@"%@\n", newRecord];

NSLog(@"%@", cleanedText); // all done


Don't hesitate to ask followup queries but if you have another specific question on a related topic, go ahead and make it a new question here on StackOverflow. It makes it more searchable, which is a main goal of this site.


10-29 11:50