




So I've been asked to use Filemaker to put together a large DB consisting of some financial information, alongside other data. Coming from a MSSQL background, many of the commands seem abstract to me. One of the simplest I'd like is a summary of a value column based on a data type column:


1       |10

1       |20

1       |10

2       |5

2       |10

我要查找DataType 1 = 40和DataType 2 = 15的结果.这在使用GROUP BY子句的SQL中非常简单,但是FM在计算字段中查找区域时遇到问题区域以通过另一个(数据类型)中的更改求和一个字段(值).

I'd be looking for the result of DataType 1 = 40 and DataType 2 = 15. This would be straightforward in SQL using a GROUP BY clause etc, but I'm having issues in FM finding an area within the calculation field area to Sum a field (value) by changes in another (DataType).


Is there a way to do this directly, or would ExecuteSQL be the best option?



The "native" way to do this in Filemaker is to produce a report, with records being sorted by DataType. Use a summary field, defined as Total of [Value] to provide the summaries. Place this field in a sub-summary part to show the sub-summary value for each sorted group. Place the same field in a grand summary part to show the overall total.

另请参见: http://www .filemaker.com/help/13/fmp/zh-CN/html/func_ref3.33.47.html#1029667


08-13 17:11