本文介绍了如何在 SQLite 中强制多个唯一集(列组合)互斥?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


考虑一个包含可以为空的列 abc、def 和 xyz 的表.我如何强制执行:

Consider a table containing null-able columns abc, def and xyz. How do I enforce:

  1. 如果 'abc' 不为空,则将 1 ('abc') 设置为 UNIQUE,并且
  2. 如果 'def' 和 'xyz' 都不为空,则将 2 ('def, xyz') 设置为 UNIQUE,并且
  3. 上述集合中只有一个是有效的(包含非空值).


--# sqlite3 --version
--  3.13.0 ....

    -- 'abc' should be null,                  when 'def' and 'xyz' are not null.
    -- 'abc' should be not be null,           when 'def' and 'xyz' are null.
    -- 'def' and 'xyz' should be null,        when 'abc' is not null.
    -- 'def' and 'xyz' should be not be null, when 'abc' is null.

    abc  TEXT,
    def  TEXT,
    xyz  TEXT,
    CONSTRAINT combo_1 UNIQUE(abc),
    CONSTRAINT combo_2 UNIQUE(def, xyz)

INSERT into try(abc)            VALUES("a1");              -- should succeed
INSERT into try(def, xyz)       VALUES("d2", "x2");        -- should succeed
INSERT into try(abc)            VALUES(null);              -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(abc, def)       VALUES("a4", "d4");        -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(abc, xyz)       VALUES("a5", "x5");        -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(abc, def, xyz)  VALUES("a6", "d6", "x6");  -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(def)            VALUES(null);              -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(def)            VALUES("d8");              -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(xyz)            VALUES(null);              -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(xyz)            VALUES("x10");             -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(def, xyz)       VALUES(null, null);        -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(def, xyz)       VALUES("d12", null);       -- should not be allowed
INSERT into try(def, xyz)       VALUES(null, "x13");       -- should not be allowed

INSERT into try(abc, def, xyz)  VALUES(null, null, null);  -- should not be allowed

.headers ON
select rowid,* from try;

.echo on
-- Only these 2 rows should be present:
-- 1|a1||
-- 2||d2|x2

但是,当我只希望前 2 个成功时,所有 14 个插入都成功了.

But, all the 14 inserts are succeeding, when I wanted only the first 2 to succeed.


换句话说:abcdef 列的 NULL-ity 应该不同,而defxyz 列应该相同.

In other words: the NULL-ity of the abc and def columns should be different, while that of the def and xyz columns should be the same.


This can be done with two additional table constraints:

CHECK((abc IS NULL) <> (def IS NULL)),
CHECK((def IS NULL) =  (xyz IS NULL))

这篇关于如何在 SQLite 中强制多个唯一集(列组合)互斥?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 16:37