


I'm using the Navigation Drawer that's baked into the latest Android.

<android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:id="@+id/Home_HomeView_DrawerLayout" >
<!-- The main content view -->
        android:id="@+id/Home_HomeView_ContentFrame" />
<!-- The navigation drawer -->

    <!-- ... -->


在我的 HomeView ,我将根据所选项目 Home_HomeView_ContentFrame 片段

In my HomeView, I set the Home_HomeView_ContentFrame fragment based on the Selected Item

private void SelectItem(int position)
    var fragment = new HomeFragment(ViewModel);
    var arguments = new Bundle();
    fragment.Arguments = arguments;
    _actionBarTitle = ((HomeViewModel)ViewModel).NavigationItems[position].Text;

                          .Replace(Resource.Id.Home_HomeView_ContentFrame, fragment)

    _topDrawerList.SetItemChecked(position, true);
    ActionBar.Title = _actionBarTitle;


HomeFragment 是设置的BindingContext MvvmCross

The HomeFragment is to setup the BindingContext for MvvmCross

public sealed class HomeFragment : MvxFragment

    public HomeFragment(IMvxViewModel viewModel)
        ViewModel = viewModel;

    public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle)
        // A breakpoint below shows that the ViewModel does in fact contain the IPlayCommand as expected.
        BindingContext = new MvxAndroidBindingContext(Activity, new MvxSimpleLayoutInflater(layoutInflater), ViewModel);
        var rootView = layoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Home_HomeFragment, viewGroup, false);

        Activity.Title = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.ApplicationName);
        return rootView;

以及 Home_HomeFragment 的布局里面,我有一个绑定到一个IMvxCommand按钮。请注意,这个按钮是基于

And inside the Home_HomeFragment layout, I have a button that is bound to an IMvxCommand. Note, this button is based on @Stuart's example.

        local:MvxBind="Command PlayCommand; CommandParameter ." />


The ViewModel that it's binding to is currently quite simple.

public class HomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public IList<NavigationItem> NavigationItems;

    public HomeViewModel(IPlayCommand playCommand)
        // playCommand is being resolved by the IoC
        _playCommand = playCommand;

    private IPlayCommand _playCommand;
    public IPlayCommand PlayCommand
        get { return _playCommand; }
            _playCommand = value;
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => PlayCommand);

而当我把一个断点的的BindingContext HomeFragment ,我可以肯定看到视图模型填充与PlayCommand。

And when I put a BreakPoint on the BindingContext line of the HomeFragment, I can definitely see the ViewModel populated with the PlayCommand.

我遇到的问题是,触摸按钮的行为不火的 PlayCommand 。我在哪里去了?

The problem I'm having is that the act of touching the button doesn't fire the PlayCommand. Where am I going wrong?



Android inflate doesn't know about mvvmcross binding.

要使用基于XML的绑定,则必须使用 BindingInflate - 看到的在 - 包括在n个碎片= 26 - https://github.com/MvvmCross/NPlus1DaysOfMvvmCross/blob/master/N-26-Fraggle/Rock.Droid/Views/SubFrag.cs

To use XML based binding, you must use BindingInflate - see the samples in http://mvvmcross.blogspot.com with code in https://github.com/MvvmCross/NPlus1DaysOfMvvmCross - including fragments in n=26 - https://github.com/MvvmCross/NPlus1DaysOfMvvmCross/blob/master/N-26-Fraggle/Rock.Droid/Views/SubFrag.cs



08-13 16:11