我正在使用SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2来管理SQL Azure数据库。当我尝试右键单击数据库中的任何对象,并执行脚本表为 - > CREATE - >新建查询编辑器窗口时,我每次都会收到以下异常屏幕:
I am using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 to manage a SQL Azure database. When I try to right-click on any of the objects in the database, and do Script Table As -> CREATE -> New Query Editor Window, I get the following exception screen every time:
针对SELECT - >新建查询编辑器窗口的脚本是唯一可以在不产生上述异常的情况下起作用的选项。任何想法?
Scripting for SELECT -> New Query Editor Window is the only option that seems to work without generating an Exception like above. Any ideas??
Here are additional details about this issue.
Latest service update for SSMS: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2507770
Blog discussing the necessary upgrade: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-AU/ssdsgetstarted/thread/3dd65548-cf58-41e8-804d-3f6873132a7b
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