




I am developing a page where in my boss will search for a company in a database. Once he clicks on its name, an email format will be shown (done in html) as a confirmation page. And then there will be a button (or link? i'm still not sure which to use) which will then send the mail to that particular company.

<img src="../../img/emmlogo.jpg" style="left: 0;position: absolute; width: 75px;"/>
<body style="padding: 0 0 0 100px;position: relative;">
<?php echo date("F d, Y ");?>  <br><br>

<b> echo $row_Recordset1['First Name'].'&nbsp'.$row_Recordset1['Middle Initial'].'&nbsp'.$row_Recordset1['Last Name']; ?></b><br>
<?php echo $row_Recordset1 ['Position'].'<br>'.$row_Recordset1['Company Name'].'<br>'.$row_Recordset1['Corporate Address'];?><br><br>

<p>Dear <?php echo $row_Recordset1['Last Name']; ?>:</p>


I've only gotten to the confirmation page and it's all set. I just want to find out if it is possible that I can send the information without having to repeat the queries from the confirmation page that I made and I want the mail to look exactly as how I made the html. I am open to any comments or suggestions as this site has helped me a lot in developing this particular project. thank you



First you should get rid of relative paths for your pictures if you intend on sending this HTML... provide links to servers that are accessible to everybody.

你可以做的是发送一个HTML电子邮件(大量的库已经为你做了)。如果要直接重新使用您的确认页面,请考虑使用 ob_start ob_end_clean 。在这两个调用之间,查询生成预览的脚本,并使用 ob_get_contents 将其转储到缓冲区中。这应该可以避免您编写代码两次。

What you can do is send an HTML email (plenty of libraries already do that for you). If you want to reuse directly your confirmation page, consider the usage of ob_start and ob_end_clean. In between these two calls, query your script that generates the preview and dump it into a buffer using ob_get_contents. This should save you from writing the code twice.


Here's sample code from one of my project:

ob_start(); // turn on output buffering
require("mails/email_preview.php"); // include, require, process whatever you want to fill the buffer with
$_body=ob_get_contents(); // get the content of the buffer
ob_end_clean(); // erase the buffer and turn off output buffering

$this->sendMail($_emailAddress, "Email Title", $_body);


  • ob_start
  • ob_get_contents
  • ob_end_clean


08-13 15:06