我想自动启动一个Powershell并从另一个Powershell运行一些命令(由于功能的优势,我想从另一个Powershell启动它).我想这样做是因为我正在使用powershell测试用C#编码的* .dll,并且由于无法在powershell中卸载dll而必须不断启动和退出powershell,因此无法用其重新加载库课.
I would like to automatically launch a powershell and run a few commands from another powershell (I want to start it from another powershell because of the advantages of functions).
I would like to do so because I'm testing a *.dll coded in C# with powershell and I have to constantly launch and quit powershell because it's not possible to unload a dll in powershell and therefore it's not possible to reload the library with its classes.
Is there a way to automate powershell just like the com-object automation with office?
What about just using a script or script blocks?
powershell {
Add-Type foo.dll
If you need interactivity and need to try multiple commands at will, you could use
powershell -noexit { Add-Type foo.dll }
In that case it can be useful to at least change the prompt color so you know whether you're in the test sub-shell or in the parent one:
function Test-DLL {
powershell -noexit {
function prompt {
Write-Host -n -fore yellow "Test $PWD>"
' '
Add-Type foo.dll
I tend to define a small function in the following way too:
"function $([char]4) { exit }" | Invoke-Expression
这使我可以使用 + ,(类似于Unix shell的一半)关闭PowerShell.
which allows me to close PowerShell with +, (half an analog to Unix shells).