


I have an azure blob container set to private. I want to download files in this container using PowerShell.


This is what I put, however it is giving me ResourceNotFound error every time. Even when I put -Credential and my user name/access key. When I switch the container to public access, it always works. So am I missing anything?

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $filePath


使用 Invoke-WebRequest 类似于在浏览器中打开链接.这是从Azure存储下载文件的合法方法,但是要做到这一点,您将需要URI包含 SAS(共享访问签名),您必须先生成该代码,然后才能在代码中使用它.实现此目的的PowerShell是:

Using Invoke-WebRequest is analogous to opening a link in your browser. It's a legitimate way to download files from Azure Storage, however to do that you'll need the URI to include a SAS (Shared Access Signature), which you'll have to have generated before you use it in your code. The PowerShell to achieve this is:

#Download via URI using SAS
$BlobUri = 'https://yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/yourcontainer/yourfile.txt'
$Sas = '?sv=2015-04-05&st=2015-04-29T22%3A18%3A26Z&se=2015-04-30T02%3A23%3A26Z&sr=b&sp=rw&sip='
$OutputPath = 'C:\Temp\yourfile.txt'
$FullUri = "$BlobUri$Sas"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($FullUri, $OutputPath)

或者,如果您安装了Azure PowerShell模块,则可以轻松执行以下操作:

Alternatively, if you have the Azure PowerShell module installed, you can do it without any of that added pain:

# Download via Azure PowerShell
$StorageAccountName = 'yourstorageaccount'
$StorageAccountKey = Get-AzureStorageKey -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName
$StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey.Primary
$FileName = 'yourfile.txt'
$OutputPath = 'C:\Temp'
$ContainerName  = 'yourcontainer'
Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Blob $FilebName -Container $ContainerName -Destination $OutputPath -Context $StorageContext


08-13 15:02