

Error1Unable to copy file "C:\Users\Bishnu\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MajorProjectFinal\BusinessLayer\bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll" to "bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll". The process cannot access the file ''bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll'' because it is being used by another process. MajorProjectFinal

关于bishnu karki

Error1Unable to copy file "C:\Users\Bishnu\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MajorProjectFinal\BusinessLayer\bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll" to "bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll". The process cannot access the file ''bin\Debug\BusinessLayer.dll'' because it is being used by another process.MajorProjectFinal

i tried to run .exe file of the program located inside bin of my project name MajorProjectFinal . it executed for the first time but when i tried to compile code from my project code i.e. tried to run LoginForm() from program.cs but it generated the following error. how can i recompile without any error please reply soon
with regards bishnu karki



09-12 08:56