

我的理解是,在诸如Amazon eCommerce / Google之类的任何可扩展产品中,自动完成/搜索文本/项目都可以在高水平上实现高水平:-


Elastic Search(ES) based approach

  1. 文档存储在DB中。一旦持久化给弹性搜索,它就会创建索引并将索引/文档(基于令牌生成器)存储在基于内存或磁盘的

  1. Documents are stored in DB . Once persisted given to Elastic search, It creates the index and store the index/document(based on tokenizer) in memory or disk basedconfiguration.


Once user types say 3 characters, it search all index under ES(Can be configured to index even ngram) , Rank them based on weightage and return to user


看起来有些可扩展产品也使用 Trie 数据结构进行基于前缀的搜索。

Looks some of the scalable product also uses Trie data stucture to do the prefix based search.

我的问题是,基于trie的方法可以很好地替代ES,还是ES内部使用 Trie 还是我完全错过了?在这里?

My question Is Can trie based approach be good alternative to ES or ES internally uses Trie or am i missing completely here ?



ES autocompletion can be achieved in two ways:

  1. 使用

  2. 使用

  3. 或使用

  1. using prefix queries
  2. either using (edge-)ngrams
  3. or using the completion suggester


The first option is the poor man's completion feature. I'm mentioning it because it can be useful in certain situation but you should avoid it if you have a substantial amount of documents.


The second option uses the conventional ES indexing features, i.e. it will tokenize the text, all (edge-)ngrams will be indexed and then you can search for any prefix/infix/suffix that have been indexed.

第三个选项使用了不同的方法,并针对速度进行了优化。基本上,当索引类型为 completion 的字段时,ES将创建并将其存储在内存中以进行超快速访问。

The third option uses a different approach and is optimized for speed. Basically, when indexing a field of type completion, ES will create a "finite state transducer" and store it in memory for ultra fast access.


A finite state transducer is close to a trie in terms of implementation. You can check this excellent article which shows how trie compares to finite state transducer


ES 7.2引入了一种称为 search_as_you_type 的新数据类型,该数据类型本身就允许这种行为。有关更多信息,请访问:

ES 7.2 introduced a new data type called search_as_you_type that allows this kind of behavior natively. Read more at: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.2/search-as-you-type.html


08-13 14:51