当试图从I / O端口在x86阅读(特别是奔腾),可在家庭中的指令阻塞在等待数据或将他们总是立即返回?
When trying to read from I/O ports on x86 (Pentium specifically), can the IN family of instructions block while waiting for data or will they always return immediately?
简短的回答:是,从理论上讲,一个I / O设备的可能的导致CPU块上的I / O读取(在
Short answer: Yes, in theory, an I/O device could cause the CPU to "block" on an I/O read (in
不过,我不知道有任何内存或实际停滞任何时间段显著I / O设备,造成CPU执行,以块。
However, I'm not aware of any memory or I/O devices that actually stalled for any significant period of time, causing CPU execution to "block".
的指令执行I / O读/写,这几乎等同于一个典型存储器总线周期。唯一的区别是将不同的信号(多个)被断言,以指示I / O与存储器存取
The in
and out
instructions perform an I/O read/write, which is almost identical to a typical memory bus cycle. The only difference is that a different signal(s) is asserted to indicate I/O vs. memory access.
Now this gets pretty low-level, and the details get more complex with later CPUs. I'm referencing this presentation goes into signal-level detail about the x86 bus cycles, starting with the 8086/8088.
信号,这是由内存或I / O设备断言,以表明它已经presented其数据公交车,是的就绪的为CPU锁定它,这PDF州
We see here that there is a READY
signal, which is asserted by the memory or I/O device, to indicate that it has presented its data to the bus, and is ready for the CPU to latch it in. That PDF states
- 就绪输入选中T3在
– READY Input "Checked" During T3
- 如果READY无效(LOW),附加T3国加入
– If READY is Inactive (LOW), Additional T3 States are Added
- 这些附加的T3国被称为等待状态
– These Additional T3 States are Called "Wait States"
,之前声称等待多个周期上的内存导致CPU为块或I / O指令。
So it is possible, with these older CPUs at least, that a device could wait many cycles before asserting READY
, causing the CPU to "block" on the memory or I/O instruction.
我相信这仍然是有效的,至少要经过和,该传达给北桥/南桥(或的)设置。这些器件然后在内存/ IO请求适当的设备迈进。有了这个设置,我怀疑PCH将允许传出的I / O读来搪塞通过QPI链路的处理器的要求。
Now days, the architecture is much different. Modern x86 processors don't even have "address" and "data" pins per se, but instead have links like DMI and QPI, which communicate to a northbridge/southbridge (or Platform Controller Hub) setup. These devices then forward on the memory/IO requests to appropriate devices. With this setup, I doubt that the PCH would allow an outgoing I/O read to stall a processor request over the QPI link.