本文介绍了Xcode 4.2 iOS 5:来自UITableView的多个segue的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我现在开始使用Xcode for 4.2 for iOS5并且有一些变化,我现在遇到了一个我无法找到解决方法的问题。

I'm starting now with Xcode on 4.2 for iOS5 and there are a few changes and I'm now crossing a problem that I can't figure out a way to solve it.


I'm doing an example with a UITablwView that is populated programmatically with 2 Sections, 1st section with only 1 Row, and 2nd Section with 3 Rows.


My aim is to select a row from the table, and based on that row, the user will be redirected to different Views.

选择第0行0,app推送查看1 - 名称设置//
选择第1行0,app推送查看3 - 地址设置

For example:selecting section 0 row 0, app pushes to view 1 - name setting //selecting section 1 row 0, app pushes to view 3 - address setting


The old fashion way, this is quite simple, just needed to init a UIViewController with initWithNibName and then push the view.

现在有了storyBoard所有的变化,或者至少我认为它改变,因为我无法看到如何得到相同的结果,因为我无法从tableView设置多个segue到不同的UIViewControl lers ...并且做旧的时尚方式我无法看到我可以从storyBoard上的视图中获取NIB名称以初始化UIViewController来推送。

Now with the storyBoard everything changes, or at least I think it changes because I can't see how to get the same result since I can't set multiple segue's from the tableView to different UIViewControllers...and to do the old fashion way I can't see where I can get the NIB names from the views on the storyBoard to init an UIViewController to push.


Does any one knows how to get to this result??



Define two "generic" segues (identified as "segue1" and "segue2", for example) in the storyboard from your source view controller, one to each destination view controller. These segues won't be associated with any action.

然后,有条件地执行 UITableViewDelegate 中的segues:

Then, conditionally perform the segues in your UITableViewDelegate:

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    // Conditionally perform segues, here is an example:
    if (indexPath.row == 0)
        [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"segue1" sender:self];
        [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"segue2" sender:self];

这篇关于Xcode 4.2 iOS 5:来自UITableView的多个segue的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 14:29