当我在网站上通过javascript时,有谁知道如何检查IE 11兼容模式是否开启?
does anyone know how to check if IE 11 compatibility mode is ON when I'm on a website through javascript?
I added the url to the list compatibility view settings. But when I do
in developer tools, it returns
Looking at the microsoft website (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh869301(v=vs.85).aspx), it says
Any help on detecting whether a page is using compatibility view via javascript would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
在自己寻找这个问题的答案时,我在另一个帖子中找到了来自Nenad Bulatovic的解决方案,但他的回答没有被标记为正确答案。我在IE11中测试了它并降级到IE5,发现它适用于IE7-IE11,这很棒。我想在这里分享,以防其他人觉得它有用。
While searching for an answer to this question myself, I found this solution from Nenad Bulatovic in another thread but his response wasn't marked as the correct answer. I tested this out in IE11 and downgrading to IE5 and found that it works for IE7-IE11, which is great. I wanted to share it here in case anyone else finds it useful.
function trueOrFalse() {
return true;
function IeVersion() {
//Set defaults
var value = {
IsIE: false,
TrueVersion: 0,
ActingVersion: 0,
CompatibilityMode: false
//Try to find the Trident version number
var trident = navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/(\d+)/);
if (trident) {
value.IsIE = true;
//Convert from the Trident version number to the IE version number
value.TrueVersion = parseInt(trident[1], 10) + 4;
//Try to find the MSIE number
var msie = navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+)/);
if (msie) {
value.IsIE = true;
//Find the IE version number from the user agent string
value.ActingVersion = parseInt(msie[1]);
} else {
//Must be IE 11 in "edge" mode
value.ActingVersion = value.TrueVersion;
//If we have both a Trident and MSIE version number, see if they're different
if (value.IsIE && value.TrueVersion > 0 && value.ActingVersion > 0) {
//In compatibility mode if the trident number doesn't match up with the MSIE number
value.CompatibilityMode = value.TrueVersion != value.ActingVersion;
return value;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Testing IE Compatibility Mode</title>
<script src="iecheck.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="results">Results: </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ie = IeVersion();
document.write("IsIE: " + ie.IsIE + "</br>");
document.write("TrueVersion: " + ie.TrueVersion + "</br>");
document.write("ActingVersion: " + ie.ActingVersion + "</br>");
document.write("CompatibilityMode: " + ie.CompatibilityMode + "</br>");