

本文介绍了Google Assistant的ActionsSdkApp和DialogflowApp有什么区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


为了构建Google Assistant应用,Google提供了两个不同的API,作为其API的一部分node.js Google行动库:

In order to build a Google Assistant app, Google provides two different APIs as part of their node.js actions-on-google library :

  • ActionsSdkApp
  • DialogflowApp


There have a common interface, but I don't understand what the difference is between the two and why I would use one or the other.



In short, these two objects provide similar (although not identical) methods to handle requests and provide results for two default ways Google allows you to build an Action for the Assistant.


The DialogflowApp object is the one you will likely use for most purposes. It is meant to work with the Dialogflow tool, letting it handle the Natural Language Processing (NLP) components and passing the results, where appropriate, to your webhook. It provides a few methods that are specific to Dialogflow features, such as Contexts, and maps other things to the response format that Dialogflow expects.

如果您正在使用自己的NLP并且您的Webhook直接从Google获取内容(不使用Dialogflow),则可以使用ActionsSdkApp.如果您需要构建actions.json文件,请使用Actions SDK.

The ActionsSdkApp is meant to be used if you are using your own NLP and your webhook is getting things directly from Google (without using Dialogflow). If you need to build an actions.json file, you're using the Actions SDK.


Both have common methods and idioms, such as app.ask() and app.tell() and mapping app.data to session storage and so forth, even if the details of implementing these are different for each type.


You should be using the one that matches the tool that you're using. For most new users - that will likely be Dialogflow and the DialogflowApp object.



Note that the API in the question, the specific objects asked about, and the specific methods talked about in my answer are for the previous version of the library.


The concept of when to use the ActionSDK vs Dialogflow objects in the current library still hold, so the concept behind this question and answer are still valid, but the technical details have changed.


该库现已弃用,因为该库不再适用于Google当前版本的Actions(Actions Builder/SDK AoG v3).如果您仍在使用AoG v2 Actions SDK,它仍可与Dialogflow(使用AoG v2)配合使用.

The library in question is now deprecated, since it no longer works with the current version of Actions on Google (Actions Builder/SDK AoG v3). It still works with Dialogflow (which uses AoG v2) and if you're still using the AoG v2 Actions SDK.

这篇关于Google Assistant的ActionsSdkApp和DialogflowApp有什么区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 12:45