





一个Git仓库是通过简化 3种文件

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  • 类数据库对象 $ c> $ GIT_DIR / objects ):这些对象永远不会被修改,有些可以被添加,有些可以被删除,但是文件永远不会被修改。这意味着它们在许多克隆中可以完全相同。

  • 存储库特定的配置和状态 $ GIT_DIR ):这些文件包含特定于存储库的配置(例如, $ GIT_DIR / info / * 。它们还存储存储库状态,比如什么是已知分支,检出分支是什么等等。它们不能在存储库之间共享,否则将违反设计。

  • 工作副本文件或源代码 :这些文件大部分时间都是源代码,它们意味着不同于一个存储库另一个。它们很灵活并且有很大的改变(要么是因为你编码很多,要么是因为你改变了很多分支,或者两者都改变​​了分支)。

    事实上,唯一的不变的,而不是存储库特定的文件是 object 文件。如果可能的话,它们会自动被Git强制链接(即使没有指定 -l )。


    I have a local git repository. I want to clone it on the local machine by hardlinked files to save disk space. How can I do it?


    a Git repository is made, by simplification, of 3 kind of files:

    1. Database-like objects ($GIT_DIR/objects): These objects are never modified, some can be added, some can be removed, but the files are never modified. It means that they can be exactly the same between many clones.

    2. repository-specific configuration and status ($GIT_DIR): These files contains configuration specific to the repository ($GIT_DIR/info/* for example). They also store the repository status, like what are the known branches, what is the checked-out branch, etc. They can't be shared between repository, or that would be against the design

    3. working copy files, or source: These files are most of the time your source code, they are meant to be different from one repository to another. They are flexible and change a lot (either because you code a lot, or because you switch branches a lot, or both).

    As a matter of fact, the only non-changing, not repository-specific files are object files. And these are automatically hard-linked by Git if possible (even without specifying -l).

    If you want two repositories on the same drive to have the exact same status and files, then you should definitely make a symbolic link. But you can't hard-link configuration and working copy files because they change too much and are specific to the repository.


  • 08-13 12:38