



我在 /home/myuser/.git/project.git 的服务器中创建了一个新的GIT存储库。
我从找到了git的ssh密钥C:\ Users \Toshiba\.ssh\github_rsa.pub &附加服务器的 authorized_keys 文件。

当我尝试使用ssh做git clone时, p>

Cloning into 'project'...
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Could you please help me in resolving this issue.


If your public/private key doesn't have the standard name C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\id_rsa(.pub), but C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\github_rsa.pub, then you need an ssh config file

Host mysite
   Hostname mysite.net
   User myuser
   Port 2888
   IdentityFile C:\Users\Toshiba\.ssh\github_rsa.pub

That would allow you to do

git clone mysite:/home/myuser/.git/project.git

Test it first wih ssh -Tvvv mysite, and then ssh mysite ls.

Make sure the environment variable %HOME% is defined to C:\Users\Toshiba

You have another example in "SSH error on push to an existing project Permission denied (publickey)"


08-13 12:32