我们有一个使用Fluent NHibernate的项目.有一个名为BluePart的对象,该对象的Oem类型为Oem.
We have a project using Fluent NHibernate. There is an object called BluePart with a property of Oem of type Oem.
public class BluePart : DomainEntity
public virtual Oem Oem { get; set; }
The Oem object has several properties including OemCode and OemDescription.
public class Oem : DomainEntity
public virtual string OemCode { get; set; }
public virtual string OemDescription { get; set; }
我正在尝试使用lambda表达式构建linq查询,该查询将从BlueParts列表(270万条记录)中获取所有不同的Oem.理想情况下,它应产生以下sql(在< 1sec内运行):
I am trying to build a linq query using lambda expressions that will get all distinct Oems from a list of BlueParts (2.7million records). Ideally it should produce the following sql (which runs in <1sec):
select distinct o.OemCode, o.OemDescription
From BluePart b inner join Oem o on o.OemId = b.Oem_id
Below is the query I built which returns all Oems, regardless of distinctness.
var oem = repository.Query<BluePart>().Select(x => new Oem { OemCode =
x.Oem.OemCode, OemDescription = x.Oem.OemDescription}).ToList();
我认为此查询将易于构建,但事实并非如此.运行GroupBy(.GroupBy(z => z.OemCode))时,我不断收到错误消息,说我尝试GroupBy的属性不是Bluepart的属性(这不应该是因为我正在对属性进行分组Oem)
I thought this query would be easy to build but it's not turning out to be that way. When running a GroupBy (.GroupBy(z => z.OemCode)), I keep getting an error saying the property I try to GroupBy is not a property of Bluepart (which it shouldn't be because I'm grouping on a property of Oem)
var oem = repository.Query<BluePart>()
.Select(x => new { OemCode = x.Oem.OemCode,
OemDescription = x.Oem.OemDescription})
这只会 为您提供不同的代码/描述对,但看起来这就是您感兴趣的全部.
This will only get you the distinct code/description pairs, but it looks like that's all you're interested in.
var oem = repository.Query<BluePart>()
.GroupBy(x => new { OemCode = x.Oem.OemCode,
OemDescription = x.Oem.OemDescription})
This will get you all the BluePart
entities grouped by OEM code/description.