

我和许多人一样,我无法从我的使用Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 64位计算机访问Microsoft Access(MDB文件)的问题。

I have like many others the problem that I can't access Microsoft Access (MDB Files) from my 64 bit machine using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0.


I know that there's no 64bit version of it, and that I need to compile it against x86.

所以我的问题是:你知不知道任何其他.NET提供为Microsoft Access,支持64位访问?

So my question is:Do you know any other .NET Providers for Microsoft Access that supports 64bit access?


要获得64位的Microsoft Access驱动程序下载的。你不能安装一个32位版本的Microsoft Office的安装。

To get 64 bit Microsoft Access drivers download the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. You cannot install that with a 32 bit version of Microsoft Office installed.

与该驱动程序的ODBC连接字符串驱动程序= {{Microsoft Access驱动程序(* .MDB,* .ACCDB)}}; DBQ =%FILE_NAME%; UID =管理员; PWD =; 。该驱动程序的OLEDB连接字符串为提供程序=的Microsoft Office 12.0 Access数据库引擎OLE DB提供程序;数据源=%FILE_NAME%;用户ID =管理员;密码=;

The ODBC connection string with that driver is "Driver={{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}};Dbq=%FILE_NAME%;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;". The OleDb connection string for that driver is "Provider=Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider;Data Source=%FILE_NAME%;User Id=admin;Password=;.


08-13 11:56