Hi, I was wondering if anyone has come across the ability to remove the weird rollover effects from the Navigation view as yet?
每当您突出显示PaneCustomContent或PaneFooter项目时,高光框不是导航视图的整个宽度,使其看起来很糟糕。使用HorizontalAlignment ="Center"时的选择指示符。也看起来很糟糕,如果可能的话,我会想要尝试删除它们吗?
Whenever you highlight over a PaneCustomContent or PaneFooter item, the highligh box is not the full width of the navigation view making it look awful. The selection indicators when using HorizontalAlignment="Center" also look awful and i would like to try to remove them if possible?
首先,Reveal Hightlight行为是设计的。从文档中,提到了当满足硬件和软件要求时,NavigationView会在其窗格中自动使用丙烯酸材料,并仅在其左窗格中显示突出显示。
First, the Reveal Hightlight behavior is by design. From the document NavigationView, it is mentioned that When hardware and software requirements are met, NavigationView automatically uses the Acrylic material in its pane, and Reveal highlight only in its left pane.
我检查了文档,但我不能找到了可以做到这一点的API。在PaneCustomContent或PaneFooter中将NavigationViewItem的HorizontalAlignment设置为Stretch可能会更好看Reveal hightlight。
And I checked the document but I could not found APIs that could do that. The Reveal hightlight might look better that you set the HorizontalAlignment of NavigationViewItem as Stretch in the PaneCustomContent or PaneFooter.