

本文介绍了PyCharm:无法创建解释器错误发生:权限被拒绝 - Windows 10的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 PyCharm 社区版 2019.1.3 上创建新项目时遇到错误

I was facing an error while creating my new project on PyCharm community edition 2019.1.3


Please find my error in the below screenshot.


I searched online for the answer, surprisingly nothing worked. So I resolved the issue by myself. Hence I though of posting this Q&A. You can find the answer below.


即使在出现此错误后,我也只需按确定"即可.但是我无法运行任何程序,因为 IDE 告诉我找不到解释器.请找到下面的图片.

Even after I got this error, I simply pressed OK. However I was unable to run any program, because the IDE was telling me No interpreter found. Please find below image.

所以我点击了配置 Python 解释器

然后,点击Project:yourProjectName >> Project Interpreter

现在我们需要添加解释器或 IDE 可能选择了较旧的 Python 版本.所以我点击了+,然后又点击了+.

Now we need to add the interpreter or IDE might have selected older Python version. So I clicked on +, and then again +.


Select the latest version, then click OK. Please find the below image.


After the selection of the latest version. Click Apply. Please find the below image:

单击应用"后,IDE 会自动添加解释器,然后我就可以编写代码并运行我的程序了 :).请在下面找到最终图像.

After I clicked Apply, IDE automatically added the interpreter, and I am ready to CODE and run my programs :). Please find below final image.


If you have any questions please feel free to ask me here.

这篇关于PyCharm:无法创建解释器错误发生:权限被拒绝 - Windows 10的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 10:46