

我有一个全局 int 我想更改不同的文件,由于某种原因它不工作。

I have a global int I want to change in different files, for some reason it doesn't work.


// test.h


 #include <windows.h>

static int start1; //want to use this globally.

void something();

// test.cpp


#include "test.h"

extern int start1;

void something()
    start1 = start1 + 1;

// main.cpp


#include "test.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    start1 = 3;
    return 0;

为什么,当你进入 something / code>是 start1 0,而不是3?我一直在试图使一个全局变量小时,它不工作。

Why, when you go into something() is start1 0, instead of 3? I have been trying to make a global variable for hours, and it doesn't work. Please can someone clarify?


不要声明 static 变量在头文件中。这将导致为包含该头文件的每个翻译单元(即源文件)存在单独的变量。

Don't declare a static variable in a header file. That will result in a separate variable existing for each translation unit (i.e. source file) that includes that header file.

规范模式是将变量声明为 extern ,然后在一个源文件中定义正常。

The canonical pattern is to declare the variable as extern in the header file, and then define it "normally" in one source file.


08-13 10:44