


I have an application that needs user input for password.


What i want to do is to either read the password from console (if the OS supports one e.g unix) or display a JOptionPane and ask the user to enter his password (if the OS supports graphical interface e.g windows).


Some people may argue that a console will always be available in both the above cases so a console input will be sufficient. But problem is if the Java app starts using javaw.exe then a console is not available. Thus, i need a way to determine if i can do either case.


My problem is how to determine if the environment that the application runs from supports either a console or a graphical interface.

但是从Java文档我认为这种方法无法区分如果操作系统支持的图形,但不是如果操作系统可以支持I / O设备(键盘,鼠标,屏幕)中的一个。

I know that a static method exists GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()but from the Java doc i think that this method cannot distinguish if the OS supports graphics, but rather than if the OS can support one of the I/O devices (keyboard, mouse, screen).


Does anyone know more about this? Am i able to retrieve if the OS supports console or graphics environment?




  • 系统属性 java.awt.headless 已设置为真正

  • 您在UNIX / Linux系统上运行,并且没有显示环境变量设置

  • the system property java.awt.headless has been set to true
  • your are running on a Unix/Linux system and there is no DISPLAY environment variable set


Here is the code that is used to retrieve the headless property:

    String nm = System.getProperty("java.awt.headless");

    if (nm == null) {
        /* No need to ask for DISPLAY when run in a browser */
        if (System.getProperty("javaplugin.version") != null) {
            headless = defaultHeadless = Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
            headless = defaultHeadless =
                Boolean.valueOf(("Linux".equals(osName) || "SunOS".equals(osName)) &&
                                (System.getenv("DISPLAY") == null));
    } else if (nm.equals("true")) {
        headless = Boolean.TRUE;
    } else {
        headless = Boolean.FALSE;

如果你想知道是否有任何可用的屏幕,你可以调用 GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()。getScreenDevices()返回所有可用的屏幕。

If you want to know if there is any screen available, you can invoke GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices() which returns all the available screens.

import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;

public class TestHeadless {

    private static boolean isReallyHeadless() {
        if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
            return true;
        try {
            GraphicsDevice[] screenDevices = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices();
            return screenDevices == null || screenDevices.length == 0;
        } catch (HeadlessException e) {
            return true;



08-13 10:41