

本文介绍了Maven 快照到底是什么,我们为什么需要它?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我对 Maven Snapshot 的含义以及我们为什么要构建它感到有些困惑?

I am a bit confused about the meaning of a Maven Snapshot and why we build one?


Maven 中的快照版本尚未发布.

A snapshot version in Maven is one that has not been released.

这个想法是,1.0 版本(或任何其他版本)完成之前,存在一个1.0-SNAPSHOT.该版本是可能成为 1.0 的版本.它基本上是1.0 正在开发中".这可能与真正的 1.0 版本接近,或者相距甚远(例如,紧接在 0.9 版本之后).

The idea is that before a 1.0 release (or any other release) is done, there exists a 1.0-SNAPSHOT. That version is what might become 1.0. It's basically "1.0 under development". This might be close to a real 1.0 release, or pretty far (right after the 0.9 release, for example).

真实"版本和快照版本之间的区别在于快照可能会获得更新.这意味着今天下载 1.0-SNAPSHOT 可能与昨天或明天下载的文件不同.

The difference between a "real" version and a snapshot version is that snapshots might get updates. That means that downloading 1.0-SNAPSHOT today might give a different file than downloading it yesterday or tomorrow.


Usually, snapshot dependencies should only exist during development and no released version (i.e. no non-snapshot) should have a dependency on a snapshot version.

这篇关于Maven 快照到底是什么,我们为什么需要它?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 08:09