


一个很好的开始教程是。我还强烈建议在内置Perl文档中使用另外两个教程:和 (我按照这个顺序通过他们,但你的里程可能会有所不同,我也发现阅读 之后,我通过这些教程,但是再一次,你可能不会。)


对于作弊表/参考表,您可以做的比PerlMonks上的href =http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=69927 =noreferrer>这篇文章。

What's a simple reference or cheat sheet for nested data structures in Perl?


An excellent beginning tutorial is perldoc perlreftut. I also highly recommend two other tutorials in the built-in Perl documentation: perldoc perllol and perldoc perldsc. (I worked through them in that order, but your mileage may vary. I also found it easier to read perldoc perlref after I worked through those tutorials, but again, you may not.)

You should always be able to get these via a terminal, if you have a normal Perl installation. But you can also get them via the web (and as downloadable pdfs) via those links.

For a cheat sheet/reference sheet, you could do a lot worse than this post on PerlMonks.


10-23 03:52