




My app has a custom audio library that itself uses the BASS library.


I create and destroy BASS stream objects throughout the program.


When my program exits, randomly (I haven't figured out the pattern yet) I get the following notice on my console:

Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method stream.__del__ of <audio.audio_player.stream object at 0xaeda2f0>> ignored

我的音频库(audio/audio_player.py [class Stream])包含一个类,该类创建BASS流对象,然后允许代码对其进行操作.当类被销毁时(在 del 例程中),它将调用BASS_StreamFree清除BASS可能分配的任何资源.

My audio library (audio/audio_player.py [class Stream]) contains a class that creates a BASS stream object and then allows the code to manipulate it. When the class is destroyed (in the del routine) it calls BASS_StreamFree to clear any resources BASS might have allocated.



from pybass import *
from ctypes import pointer, c_float, c_long, c_ulong, c_buffer
import os.path, time, threading

# initialize the BASS engine
BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, None)

class stream(object):
    """Represents a single audio stream"""
    def __init__(self, file):
        # check for file existence
        if (os.path.isfile(file) == False):
            raise ValueError("File %s not found." % file)
        # initialize a bass channel
        self.cAddress = BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, file, 0, 0, 0)
    def __del__(self):
    def play(self):
        BASS_ChannelPlay(self.cAddress, True)
        while (self.playing == False):
    ..more code..

基于此消息,我的第一个倾向是在我的代码中的某个地方,我的流类的一个实例正在被孤立(不再分配给变量),而Python仍在尝试调用其 del 在应用关闭时起作用,但是在尝试关闭时,该对象消失了.

My first inclination based on this message is that somewhere in my code, an instance of my stream class is being orphaned (no longer assigned to a variable) and Python still is trying to call its del function when the app closes, but by the time it tries the object has gone away.


This app does use wxWidgets and thus involves some threading. The fact that I'm not being given an actual variable name leads me to believe what I stated in the previous paragraph.


I'm not sure exactly what code would be relevant to debug this. The message does seem harmless but I don't like the idea of an "ignored" exception in the final production code.




The message that the exception was ignored is because all exceptions raised in a __del__ method are ignored to keep the data model sane. Here's the relevant portion of the docs:


As for debugging it, you could start by putting a try/except block around the code in your __del__ method and printing out more information about the program's state at the time it occurs. Or you could consider doing less in the __del__ method, or getting rid of it entirely!


08-13 09:53