




  1. 我首先在 / public

中复制整个Dojo Toolkit树,然后将其包含在客户端包含:

Then, I include it on the client side with:

<script src="/dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>`

一切正常,除了Meteor实际上是监视 / public 中的每个文件进行更改,以便它可以重新启动服务器。在 localhost:3000 的第一个请求中,这实际上导致了很长的延迟。

Everything works fine, except Meteor is actually monitoring every single file in /public for changes, so that it can restart the server. This is actually causing a very long delay during the first request on localhost:3000.


Is there a way of preventing Meteor from watching files from a certain directory?

Dojo Toolkit是10k +文件,所以我收到了EMFILE错误,用

Dojo Toolkit is 10k+ files so I get the EMFILE error stated here, corrected with

sudo sh -c 'echo 16384 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches'





This was a major problem for me. I have to serve ~12000 static images, which I initially put into the public folder. This caused node to use nearly 100% of one CPU core, constantly. With limited memory the app crashes.


  • 创建文件夹 public /.# static / 并将所有静态资源移动到其中。这个文件夹没有被流星

  • 前缀url与静态( /img/cat.png - > /static/img/cat.png

  • 安装mime npm包

  • create the folder public/.#static/ and move all static assets into it. This folder isn't watched by meteor
  • prefix urls with static (/img/cat.png -> /static/img/cat.png)
  • install the mime npm package

cd ~/.meteor/tools/latest/lib/node_modules/
npm install mime

  • 创建一个rawConnectionHandler来为资产提供服务(信用:)
    服务器/ static_files_handler.coffee

  • create a rawConnectionHandler to serve the assets (credits to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20358612)server/static_files_handler.coffee

    fs = Npm.require('fs')
    mime = Npm.require('mime')
    WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use (req, res, next) ->
      re = /^\/static\/(.*)$/.exec(req.url)
      if re isnt null # Only handle URLs that start with /static/*
        filePath = process.env.PWD + "/public/.#static/" + re[1]
        type = mime.lookup(filePath)
        data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, data)
        res.writeHead 200,
          "Content-Type": type
        res.write data
      else # Other urls will have default behaviors

  • 此方法的限制:

    • 不适合使用查询参数提供资产。正则表达式还将匹配/static/html/image.html?src=/static/img/cat.png尝试提供包含参数的文件名的文件。这很容易改变。

    • Meteor完全不知道这些文件,因此它们不会被包含在Appcache清单中。如果您想使其脱机使用,请查看我添加到

    • not suitable to serve assets with query parameters. The regex would also match /static/html/image.html?src=/static/img/cat.png trying to serve a file with the filename including the parameters. This is easy to change.
    • Meteor is completely unaware of the files, they therefore don't get included into the appcache manifest. If you want to make them available offline, check out the addPaths option I added to https://github.com/buildhybrid/appcache-extra

    如果您不想解决问题,请考虑为外部服务(例如AWS S3)。

    If you don't want to work around the problems, consider serving the assets from an external service (ex. AWS S3).


    08-13 09:49