问题atm。是将war文件夹添加到SVN时,它包含所有编译的代码,我没有选择过滤掉,使svn checkout长而无意义。
那么Java EE的方式是什么处理这个?
How should I handle WAR files (using GWT) along with Subversion in Eclipse?
The problem atm. is when adding the war folder to SVN, it includes all the compiled code, which I don't have a option to filter out, making svn checkouts long and pointless.
I don't want my compiled class files on my subversion server, and I don't want svn information in the war package either. But I still need the client-content (html, javascript, css) to be included with the subversion.
So what's the Java EE way of handling this?
Other places have pointed out the ideal solution is trying another project structure, or writing a custom ANT build.