




I've installed Stylecop via NuGet. I wish to disable some rules, and I know this can be done via a configuration file from what I've read. However, I can't find the file anywhere, and there seems to be little documentation describing where to create the file.


编辑:几年后,这个问题似乎仍然受到关注,因此我建议使用基于Roslyn Analyzer的StyleCop .

Edit: As this question still seems to be getting attention a couple of years later, I recommend using Roslyn Analyzer based StyleCop now.


  1. 它实际上已经维护并处于活动状态.
  2. 利用罗斯林(Roslyn)的优势,并可以为您进行一些更改.
  3. 这是一个NuGet软件包,因此已作为项目的一部分安装,这意味着您不再需要安装看似未经维护的StyleCop Visual Studio扩展(也就是说,您甚至可以找到合适的位置从一开始下载它!).这样,您可以在例如OSS中更轻松地实施代码样式/约定.
  4. 自动为您创建 .ruleset 文件,由于使用了Roslyn Analyzers,您将获得IDE支持以启用/禁用规则.
  1. It's actually maintained and active.
  2. Takes advantage of Roslyn, and can perform some changes for you.
  3. It's a NuGet package so is installed as part of your projects, meaning you no longer need to install the seemingly unmaintained StyleCop Visual Studio extension (that's if you can even find the right place to download it from in the first place!). This way you can enforce code style/conventions much easier in for example OSS.
  4. Automatically creates the .ruleset file for you, and as a result of using Roslyn Analyzers you get IDE support for enabling/disabling rules.


如果通过NuGet安装了Stylecop( StyleCop.MSBuild 包),那么您将没有其他答案中详细介绍的文件夹.

If you installed Stylecop via NuGet (the StyleCop.MSBuild package), then you will not have the folder detailed in the other answers.

包\ StyleCop.MSBuild.{version} \ tools \ Settings.StyleCop

You will find the file in your project folder here:


You should copy this file to the root of your project.


If you would rather not manually edit the file, there is also a nice gui tool called StyleCopSettingsEditor in the tools folder, which you can just drag your settings file onto.


08-13 08:30