



- 我还在学习c#WPF并尝试制作自己的Windows应用程序......我从一开始就遇到了一些障碍。

- 这些问题让我很困惑......我试着寻找简单的答案,但我无法找到。

- 所有人都以非常先进和复杂的方式回答我。

- 我希望我能为我的问题找到一个简单而直接的答案,以便能够开始我自己的项目.....我的问题是:

- 什么是我应该使用的合适的控制容器?我有很多可以定义我的应用程序布局的面板和容器选项..但是最好的选择是什么?

- 这个可变部分的最佳选择是什么..页面,窗口,导航窗口??虽然我不想在那部分中使用任何导航控件

- 如何在按下这些列表中的任何按钮后让可更改的部分显示某些页面?如何将这部分链接到这些可更改的页面?

- c#wpf可以帮助我在线/离线设计应用程序吗?



- i''m still learning c#WPF and try to make my own windows application ... i meet some barriers from beginning.
- and these questions make me so confused ... i tried to look for simple answers but i couldn''t find.
- all people answer me in a very advanced and complicated way.

- i wish i can find a simple and direct answers for my questions to be able to start my own project .....my questions are:

- what is the suitable controls containers i should use?? I have many options of panels and containers that can define my application layout ..but what is the best choices??

- what is the best choice for that changeable part .. Page , windows, navigation window ?? Though i dont want any navigation controls in that part

- how to make that changeable part show certain pages after pressing any button from these list?? how to link that part with these changeable pages?

- can c#wpf help me in designing an application work online/offline?

this is a picture explaining my question



Hatem Ghazy写道:
Hatem Ghazy wrote:


What are the suitable controls containers I should use?




This question suffers from the lack of logic. How do you think, why do different choices even exist? Because no one of them is the best. It all depends. Which one to chose depends on a number of factors: context, requirements, even the present industrial culture in the user''s application field. Nothing can help you until you analyze all that stuff.

Same thing about some other questions on the choice of controls and expressive capabilities. First of all, you need to learn these controls, majority of them.

I think the key problem is this:

Hatem Ghazy写道:
Hatem Ghazy wrote:


All people answer me in a very advanced and complicated way.






You did not want to listen the answers in so complicated way. Why? If you did not understand something, you could ask your questions. I''m afraid that you don''t want to bite a bullet. But you have to. There is no much of a shortcut.

Answering the follow-up question: here:

Good luck,



08-13 08:21