

我已经建立了一个登录系统,用于检查验证用户名,哈希密码和禁止列的mysql db(0表示不禁止,并且是默认值,1表示禁止).如果有禁令,他们显然无法登录.

I have set up a login system that checks a mysql db validating username,hashed password, and a banned column (0 means not banned and is the default value, 1 means banned). if there banned they obviously cannot loggin.


The problem is i'm new to php and having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to log out a user who is currently logged in. As it stands now my cookie will last for 2weeks, and even if i ban a user, their session will stay active thus they will have acess for 2weeks or less.


How can i force a user to reauthenticate, without penalizing the masses.



Your server knows what cookie is associated with each user. Why not just delete that cookie from its "current sessions" table?


If the cookie is just "username, who is logged in", you have a real problem, because instead of a magic number, the cookie contains real information, and it becomes trivial to forge. Then a malicious user could simply create a cookie saying "I am [admin], and I am logged in", and that's obviously a much larger problem. So if you can't just delete the session cookie from the "known cookies" table to solve this problem, you have a bigger problem to worry about.


08-13 07:55