在TFS中,当您将分支A合并到分支B并签入时,您会在B上获得一个变更集(通常带有诸如合并的A-> B"之类的注释).
In TFS when you merge branch A to branch B and checkin, you get a single changeset on B (typically with a comment like "merged A->B").
This means B doesn't have any of the checkin history from A. So if someone created a new file on branch A, you can't tell who created it from branch B. And if someone updated a file on A, you can't tell who did the update from branch B.
Is there any way to see this kind of detailed changeset history across branches? Some kind of power toy, or third party tool, or anything?
Update: The TFS Power Toy tfpt history /followbranches tool does not "expand merges," it only "expands branches" and therefore doesn't solve this problem.
TFS 2010将对此提供支持.
TFS 2010 will include support for this.
Brian Harry在此演示文稿中进行了讨论.
Brian Harry talks about it in this presentation.
You will now be able to see where a change originated and who made it after the change has been merged to a different branch.