


In Lua, I'm trying to pattern match and capture:

+384 Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)

(+384) (Critical Strike)

后缀(Reforged from %s)是可选的.

我正在尝试使用模式匹配 Lua中的字符串(即strfind)

I'm trying to match a string in Lua using patterns (i.e. strfind)


+384 Critical Strike
+1128 Hit


This is broken down into two parts that I want to capture:

  • 数字,带有正数或负数指示符;他的案子是+384
  • 字符串,在这种情况下为Critical Strike.
  • The number, with the leading positive or negative indicator; int his case is +384
  • The string, in this case is Critical Strike.

我可以使用相当简单的 pattern 捕获它们:

I can capture these using a fairly simple pattern:


And this pattern in lua works:

local text = "+384 Critical Strike";
local pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (.+)";
local _, _, value, stat = strfind(text, pattern);

  • value = +384
  • stat = Critical Strike
    • value = +384
    • stat = Critical Strike
    • 现在我需要扩展 模式,以包含可选后缀:

      Now I need to expand that pattern to include an optional suffix:

      +384 Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)



      Note: I don't particularly care about the optional trailing suffix; meaning that I have no requirement to capture it, Although capturing it would be handy.


      This is where I start to get into issues with greedy capturing. Right away the pattern I already have does what I don't want it to:

      • 模式= ([%+%-]%d+) (.+)
      • 值= +384
      • stat = Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)
      • pattern = ([%+%-]%d+) (.+)
      • value = +384
      • stat = Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)


      But let's try to include the suffix in the pattern:


      pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (.+)( %(Reforged from .+%))?"


      And I'm using the ? operator to indicate 0 or 1 appearances of the suffix but that matches nothing.


      I blindly tried changing the optional suffix group from parenthesis ( to brackets [:

      pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (.+)[ %(Reforged from .+%)]?"


      But now the match is greedy again:

      • 值= +384
      • stat = Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)
      • value = +384
      • stat = Critical Strike (Reforged from Parry Chance)

      基于 Lua 模式参考):


      For all classes represented by single letters (%a, %c, etc.), the corresponding uppercase letter represents the complement of the class. For instance, %S represents all non-space characters.


      The definitions of letter, space, and other character groups depend on the current locale. In particular, the class [a-z] may not be equivalent to %l.


      • * ,它与班级中的0个或多个字符重复匹配.这些重复项将始终与最长的序列匹配;
      • + ,它与班级中的1个或多个字符重复匹配.这些重复项将始终与最长的序列匹配;
      • - ,它还与班级中的0个或多个字符重复匹配.与"*"不同,这些重复项将始终匹配最短的序列;
      • ? ,它与该类中出现0或1个字符相匹配;

      我注意到有一个贪婪 *和一个非贪婪 -修饰符.从我的中间字符串匹配器开始:

      I noticed that there's a greedy *, and a non-greedy - modifier. Since my middle string matcher:

      (%d) (%s) (%s)


      seems to be absorbing text until the end, perhaps i should try to make it non-greedy, by changing the * to a -:

      oldPattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (.*)[ %(Reforged from .+%)]?"
      newPattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (.-)[ %(Reforged from .+%)]?"


      • 值= +384
      • stat = nil
      • value = +384
      • stat = nil

      我尝试了一个包含除 以外的所有内容的集合,而不是中间组捕获任何" 字符(即 . ) strong> ( :

      Rather than the middle group capturing "any" character (i.e. .), I tried a set that contains everything except (:

      pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) ([^%(]*)( %(Reforged from .+%))?"


      local pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) ([^%(]*)( %(Reforged from .+%))?"
      local pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) ((^%()*)( %(Reforged from .+%))?"
      local pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) (%a )+)[ %(Reforged from .+%)]?"


      local pattern = "([%+%-]%d+) ([%a ]+)[ %(Reforged from .+%)]?"


      - value = "+385"
      - stat = "Critical Strike "  (notice the trailing space)


      So this is where I bang my head against the pillow and go to sleep; I can't believe I've spent four hours on this regex....pattern.


      @NicolBolas The set of all possible strings, defined using a pseudo-regular expression language, are:

      +%d %s (Reforged from %s)


      • + 代表加号(+)减号"(-)
      • %d 代表任何拉丁数字字符(例如0..9)
      • %s 代表任何拉丁大写或小写字母或嵌入的空格(例如A-Za-z)
      • 其余字符是文字​​.
      • + represents either the Plus Sign (+) or the "Minus Sign" (-)
      • %d represents any latin digit character (e.g. 0..9)
      • %s represents any latin uppercase or lowercase letters, or embedded spaces (e.g. A-Za-z)
      • the remaining characters are literals.


      If i had to write a regular expression that obviously tries to do what i want:

      \+\-\d+ [\w\s]+( \(Reforged from [\w\s]+\))?


      But I can give you near practically complete list of all values I'm likely to encounter in the wild if I didn't explain it well enough.

      • +123 Parry 正数,单个单词
      • +123 Critical Strike 正数,两个单词
      • -123 Parry 负数,单个单词
      • -123 Critical Strike 负数,两个单词
      • +123 Parry (Reforged from Dodge) 正数,单个单词,带有单个单词的可选后缀
      • +123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Dodge) 正数,两个单词,两个单词组成的可选后缀
      • -123 Parry (Reforged from Hit Chance) 负数,一个单词,两个单词组成的可选后缀
      • -123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Hit Chance) 负数,两个单词,两个单词组成的可选后缀
      • +123 Parry positive number, single word
      • +123 Critical Strike positive number, two words
      • -123 Parry negative number, single word
      • -123 Critical Strike negative number, two words
      • +123 Parry (Reforged from Dodge) positive number, single word, optional suffix present with single word
      • +123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Dodge) positive number, two words, optional suffix present with two words
      • -123 Parry (Reforged from Hit Chance) negative number, single word, optional suffix present with two words
      • -123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Hit Chance) negative number, two words, optional suffix present with two words


      There are bonus patterns it would seem obvious that the patterns would also match:

      • +1234 Critical Strike Chance 四位数字,三个单词
      • +12345 Mount and run speed increase 五位数字,五个单词
      • +123456 Mount and run speed increase 六位数字,五个单词
      • -1 MoUnT aNd RuN sPeEd InCrEaSe 一位数字,五个单词
      • -1 HiT (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe) 负一位数字,一个单词,带有3个单词的可选后缀
      • +1234 Critical Strike Chance four digit number, three words
      • +12345 Mount and run speed increase five digit number, five words
      • +123456 Mount and run speed increase six digit number, five words
      • -1 MoUnT aNd RuN sPeEd InCrEaSe one digit number, five words
      • -1 HiT (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe) negative one digit number, one word, optional suffix present with 3 words


      And while the ideal pattern should match the above bonus entries, it does not have to.

      实际上,我尝试解析的所有数字" 都将被本地化,例如:

      In reality all "numbers" i am attempting to parse out will be localized, e.g.:

      • +123,456英文(英语)
      • +123.456在德国(de-DE)
      • +123'456法语(fr-CA)
      • +123 456爱沙尼亚语(et-EE)
      • +1,23,456以阿萨姆语(as-IN)
      • +123,456 in English (en-US)
      • +123.456 in Germany (de-DE)
      • +123'456 in French (fr-CA)
      • +123 456 in Estonian (et-EE)
      • +1,23,456 in Assamese (as-IN)

      任何答案都必须试图说明这些本地化问题.您不知道将要显示数字的语言环境,这就是为什么从该问题中删除了数字本地化的原因.您必须严格假设数字包含plus signhyphen minus和拉丁数字09.我已经知道如何解析本地化的数字.这个问题是关于尝试将可选后缀与贪婪模式解析器进行匹配.

      Any answer must not attempt to account for these localization issues. You do not know the locale a number will be presented from, that is why the number localization has been removed from the question. You must strictly assume that numbers contain plus sign, hyphen minus, and latin digits 0 through 9. I already know how to parse localized numbers. This question is about trying to match the optional suffix with a greedy pattern parser.


      Edit: You really didn't have to try to handle localized number. At some level trying to handle them, without knowing the locale, is wrong. For example, I didn't include all possible localizations of numbers. For another: I don't know what future localizations might exist in the future.



      Hmm I don't have Lua4 installed but this pattern works under Lua5. I would expect it to work for Lua4 as well.

      更新1 :由于已指定其他要求(本地化),因此我调整了模式和测试以反映这些要求.

      Update 1: Since additional requirements have been specified (localization) I've adapted the pattern and the tests to reflect these.

      更新2 :更新了模式和测试以处理包含@IanBoyd在注释中提到的数字的附加文本类.添加了说明字符串模式.

      Update 2: Updated the pattern and tests to deal with an additional class of text containing a number as mentioned by @IanBoyd in the comments. Added an explanationof the string pattern.

      更新3 :针对问题的最后一次更新中提到的分别处理本地化号码的情况,添加了变体.

      Update 3: Added variation for the case where the localized number is dealt with separately as mentioned in the last update to the question.




      or (no attempt to validate number localization tokens) - just take anything which is not a letter with a digit sentinel at the end of the pattern:


      以上两种模式都不打算用科学计数法处理数字(例如:1.23e + 10)

      Neither of the patterns above are meant to deal with numbers in scientific notation (e.g: 1.23e+10)


      Lua5 test (Edited to clean up - tests getting cluttered):

      function test(tab, pattern)
         for i,v in ipairs(tab) do
           local f1, f2, f3, f4 = v:match(pattern)
           print(string.format("Test{%d} - Whole:{%s}\nFirst:{%s}\nSecond:{%s}\nThird:{%s}\n",i, f1, f2, f3, f4))
       local pattern = "(([%+%-][',%.%d%s]-[%d]+)%s*([%a]+[^%(^%)]+[%a]+)%s*(%(?[%a%s]*%)?))"
       local testing = {"+123 Parry",
         "+123 Critical Strike",
         "-123 Parry",
         "-123 Critical Strike",
         "+123 Parry (Reforged from Dodge)",
         "+123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Dodge)",
         "-123 Parry (Reforged from Hit Chance)",
         "-123 Critical Strike (Reforged from Hit Chance)",
         "+122384    Critical    Strike      (Reforged from parry chance)",
         "+384 Critical Strike ",
         "+384Critical Strike (Reforged from parry chance)",
         "+1234 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+12345 Mount and run speed increase (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+123456 Mount and run speed increase (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "-1 MoUnT aNd RuN sPeEd InCrEaSe (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "-1 HiT (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+123,456 +1234 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+123.456 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+123'456 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+123 456 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+1,23,456 Critical Strike Chance (Reforged from CrItIcAl StRiKe ChAnCe)",
         "+9 mana every 5 sec",
         "-9 mana every 20 min (Does not occurr in data but gets captured if there)"}
       test(testing, pattern)


      local explainPattern =
         "(" -- start whole string capture
         capture localized number with sign -
         take at first as few digits and separators as you can
         ensuring the capture ends with at least 1 digit
         (the last digit is our sentinel enforcing the boundary)]]
         gobble as much space as you can]]
         capture start with letters, followed by anything which is not a bracket
         ending with at least 1 letter]]
         gobble as much space as you can]]
         capture an optional bracket
         followed by 0 or more letters and spaces
         ending with an optional bracket]]
         ")" -- end whole string capture


08-13 07:23