



我有一个充满动态文本的 c> $ 标记在列内容的结尾处,并使用 .position() >相对于父容器的位置,并添加一个 -webkit-column-width (因为 .position()告诉您到< span> 的左坐标的距离。

Here's the idea: you insert a blank <span> tag at the end of your column content and use .position() to grab its left position relative to the parent container, and add one -webkit-column-width (because .position() only tells you the distance to the left coordinate of the <span>).

这里有一个小小的怪癖,我不明白。要获得正确的宽度,还必须减去一个 -webkit-column-gap 。在我看来, .position()。left 和容器的边缘之间的距离应该只是最后一列的宽度, -webkit -column-width 。任何人都可以解释这一个吗?我只是在数学坏吗?

Here's a little quirk that I don't understand. To get the correct width, you also have to subtract one -webkit-column-gap. In my mind, the distance between .position().left and the edge of the container should only be the width of the final column, -webkit-column-width. Can anyone explain this one? Am I just bad at math?


Sorry if the plugin code is sloppy; my experience with jQuery is limited :)


(Credit where it's due: idea adapted from How to Get CSS3 Multi-Column Count in Javascript.)


08-13 07:08