pre code public class CallingClass {
public String functionOne (){
public String functionTwo(){
String one = functionOne();
$ b现在我想测试中设置断点, code>它会被调用:($ / b>
我缺少什么?不应该使用存根 functionOne 提供并返回字符串mocked function return?
$ $ p $ code $ @Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:0.7-groovy-2.0')
import spock.lang。*
class CallingClassTest extends Specification {
def c = Spy(CallingClass)
def s = c.functionTwo()
1 * c.functionOne()>>mocked functi返回
s ==一些字符串模拟函数返回
public class CallingClass {
public String functionOne ){
public String functionTwo(){
String one = functionOne()
some string $ one
$ / code>
I have an issue with using Spy in Spock, it either doesn't work as it should or my understanding is wrong so I'm trying to clarify this.Consider this code (Java):
public class CallingClass { public String functionOne() { //does stuff return "one"; } public String functionTwo() { String one = functionOne(); return "some string " + one; } }
Now I want to test the fact that functionTwo calls functionOne as well as define the returned value from functionOne (imagine for instance if functionOne is really complicated and I don't want to execute it in my test just want to stub it and set it to return a certain value). For this i write the following test in Groovy (using Spock):
class CallingClassTest extends Specification { def "check that functionTwo calls functionOne"() { def c = Spy(CallingClass) c.functionOne() >> "mocked function return" when: def s = c.functionTwo() then: 1 * c.functionOne() s == "some string mocked function return" } }
In order to do things like this, Spock is asking me to have the cglib library, so my build file (in Gradle) looks something like this:
apply plugin: 'groovy' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:latest.release' testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:latest.release' testCompile 'junit:junit:latest.release' testCompile 'cglib:cglib-nodep:latest.release' }
Now when I run the test, I expect the functionOne not to be called at all, and instead my stubbed out version to be used. Instead, I get this:
Condition not satisfied: s == "some string mocked function return" | | | false | 19 differences (44% similarity) | some string (-)o(-------)n(-------)e(----) | some string (m)o(cked fu)n(ction r)e(turn) some string one Condition not satisfied: s == "some string mocked function return" | | | false | 19 differences (44% similarity) | some string (-)o(-------)n(-------)e(----) | some string (m)o(cked fu)n(ction r)e(turn) some string one at CallingClassTest.check that functionTwo calls functionOne(CallingClassTest.groovy:17)
Even more so, if I debug this and set a breakpoint in functionOne it gets called :(
What am I missing? Shouldn't my test use the stubbed functionOne provided and just return the string "mocked function return"?
It should be:
@Grab('org.spockframework:spock-core:0.7-groovy-2.0') @Grab('cglib:cglib-nodep:3.1') import spock.lang.* class CallingClassTest extends Specification { def "check that functionTwo calls functionOne"() { def c = Spy(CallingClass) when: def s = c.functionTwo() then: 1 * c.functionOne() >> "mocked function return" s == "some string mocked function return" } } public class CallingClass { public String functionOne() { "one" } public String functionTwo() { String one = functionOne() "some string $one" } }
When you both spy/mock and verify this is how return value should be specified.