本文介绍了带有Verizon的Azure CDN-重写URL以始终加载index.html的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





的单个 blob容器.

在此 blob容器中,我的有角项目中的整个dist文件夹已通过我的CI设置进行了复制.





  1. 我想要的是重定向来自Angular的所有传入流量应用程序到index.html文件.为了满足路由用于Angular .

  2. 此外,我想允许任何对静态文件(例如图片)的请求无需重新编写任何特定的网址.


目前,我正在使用Verizon的 Azure CDN 规则引擎功能.





  • 顶级域https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net不会将URL重写为index.html,并且我会收到http错误404
  • 顶级域将重定向到index.html,但是一旦我添加了URL路径https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/login/callback-一旦我开始使用/login/callback
  • ,它就会再次出现http错误404,它将停止工作.
  • 顶级域会将HTTP错误431
  • 中的URL重写为https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn ....之类的内容








我目前每天更新一次或两次regex模式,并且再次在我的测试环境中运行,但是一旦部署它就停止工作.我开始相信Azure CDN在顶级域之后将一些内容附加到URL,但是我不知道如何进行验证.






  • 添加条件为如果始终
  • 的新规则
  • 您将需要为每个端点添加一个新功能.
  • 对于模式,输入[^?.]*(\?.*)?$.此模式捕获其中带有.的URL路径,但并不关心它是否在查询字符串中.
  • 对于路径,输入origin_path/document.ext.这是棘手的部分.路径相对于原始根.例如,如果您的CDN端点的原始路径是/origin_path,并且您想重定向到index.html,则应输入origin_path/index.html.如果您的CDN由Azure存储帐户支持,并且源指向容器,则情况总是如此.
  • 单击添加"以添加您的规则,等待N个小时,您就可以进行了.


I've been struggling with the following problem for the last few days and due to the very nature of a CDN and the manual review of each new rule, it takes me each time up to 4h to deploy a new rule.

As described in the following topic, I currently have my Angular application deployed to a storage account which has a single blob container called cdn

Within the root of this blob container, the whole dist folder from my angular project has been copied via my CI setup.

The CDN profile has also been set up, to point at the origin-path called /cdn


Unfortunately there is currently an ongoing issue that you can't directly access a default file.

  1. What I would like is to redirect all incoming traffic from my Angularapplication to the index.html file. This in order to satisfy the routingfor Angular.

  2. Furthermore I would like to let any request for static files (e.g images)through without any specific url rewritting.

I've seen various posts regarding this issue but none of the answer seem to cover my case or didn't in the deliver the expected result.

Currently I am using the rules engines feature of the Azure CDN from Verizon.

Regarding the patterns I used all the patterns mentioned in the following article, including which were mentioned in the comments.

I've also spent at least two days to find various other articles and stackoverflow articles but none of them worked for my case.

Furthermore I also created my own regex pattern but although they worked in my test environment, they would work once they were deployed to the CDN.

I usually ended up with one of the following results:

  • Top level domain https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net wouldn't rewrite the url to the index.html and I would receive a http error 404
  • Top level domain would redirect to index.html but would stop working once I added a url path https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/login/callback - once again a http error 404 as soon as I started using /login/callback
  • Top level domain would rewrite the url to something like https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn/cdn .... in an http error 431

The offical documentation from Microsoft also didn't help in my case.

I am pretty sure I am not the first one who is deploying an Angular application to storage account and someone has run in the same issues as I have.

I am thankful for any information which points me in the right direction because at the moment I am definitely thinking about moving away from whole storage account deployment.

Update 1

With the following source pattern ((?:[^\?]*/)?)($|\?.*) which was also mentioned in the article over here, I am able to handle at least the top level domain rewrite to the index.html file.

Unfortunately, I still need an additional pattern to redirect from https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/login/callback to https://myFancyWebsite.azureedge.net/index.html

Update 2

I am currently updating the regex pattern once or twice a day and once again it works on my test environment but stops working once I deploy it. I start to believe that Azure CDN is appending something to the URL after the top-level domain but I have no idea how to verify that.


Update 3

We are writting the year 3025 and I still have no clue why for example the following pattern isn't handling the url rewritting of the top domain.



  • Add a new rule with condition If Always
  • You will need to add a new Feature for each endpoint.
  • For the Pattern, enter [^?.]*(\?.*)?$. This pattern catches URL paths with . in them, but doesn't care whether or not it's in the query string.
  • For the Path, enter origin_path/document.ext. This is the tricky part. The Path is relative to the origin root. For instance, if your CDN endpoint's origin path is /origin_path and you want to redirect to index.html, you would enter origin_path/index.html. This will always be the case if your CDN is backed by an Azure Storage Account and the origin points to a container.
  • Click Add to add your rule, wait N hours, and you're good to go.

这篇关于带有Verizon的Azure CDN-重写URL以始终加载index.html的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 20:36