

本文介绍了Visual Studio在TypeScript中显示“this”的错误值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



class Person{
    firstname = ko.observable<string>();
    lastname: ko.observable<string>();
    fullname = ko.computed(()=>{

        // Breakpoint here
        return this.firstname() + ' ' + this.lastname();


当我使用Visual Studio 2013进行调试时,如果我放置一个断点并看到这个使用watch或者即时窗口,它显示的值是 window 而不是person实例。因此,它为 this.firstname 显示 undefined

when I'm debugging with Visual Studio 2013, if I put a breakpoint and see the value of this using watch or immediate window, it shows that the value is window not the person instance. Consequently, it shows undefined for this.firstname.

检查转换的JavaScript代码我发现我应该检查 _this 的值,而不是这个

Checking the converted JavaScript code I find out that I should check the value of _this instead of this.

虽然代码运行没有错误,但是我浪费了很多时间来理解这个变量的真实值是可用的通过 _this

Although code runs without an error, but it waste lots of my time to understand that the true value of this variable is available through _this.


Question Am I somewhere wrong in using the class properties which causes this misleading value in this value? or it's just a bug? or maybe it's by design for some reason?


由于this关键字如何在javascript中运行,因此Typescript创建了_this 别名给你。这是设计的,当你知道它是如何工作的时候很棒。

Due to how the "this" keyword works in javascript Typescript creates the "_this" alias for you. This is by design, and is great when you know how it works.


class Person {
    firstname = ko.observable<string>();
    lastname: ko.observable<string>();
    fullname = ko.computed(
        () => {
            // Breakpoint here
            return this.firstname() + ' ' + this.lastname();


var Person = (function () {
    function Person() {
        var _this = this;
        this.firstname = ko.observable();
        this.lastname = ();
        this.fullname = ko.computed(function () {
            // Breakpoint here
            return _this.firstname() + ' ' + _this.lastname();
    return Person;

这表明(正如你所提到的)你的全名计算函数中的this已被编译为 _这个。您调试的问题是Visual Studio正在调试已编译的JavaScript。并且在函数内部的javascriptthis意味着其他内容,请在javascript中阅读有关this的更多内容。

This shows (as you mentioned) that "this" in your fullname computed function has been compiled to "_this". Your issue with the debugging is that Visual Studio is debugging the compiled javascript. And in javascript "this" inside the function means something else, read more about "this" in javascript here.


Typescript creates a _this reference when you use a lambda function, i.e:

class foo {

    something: string = "some string";

    foo1 = () => { this.something }
    foo2() { this.something }


var foo = (function () {
    function foo() {
        var _this = this;
        this.something = "some string";
        this.foo1 = function () { _this.something; };
    foo.prototype.foo2 = function () { this.something; };
    return foo;

如果正确使用,打字稿中的lambda函数可以解决javascript中的this地狱问题。在大多数情况下,您不需要考虑何时使用lambda或函数,但在某些情况下,您可以这样做。有关lambda函数的更多信息,请访问 。

If used correctly lambda functions in typescript solves the "this" hell from javascript. In most cases you do not need to think about when to use lambdas or functions, but in some cases you do. More information about lambda functions can be found here.


The short answer for working with this is to inspect _this when working with lambdas until it is fixed.There is an open issue for it:

这篇关于Visual Studio在TypeScript中显示“this”的错误值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 05:34